Chapter 33-Feyre

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Amren was in no condition to trek back to my family's house in her current state so everyone took extra caution to make sure we all winnowed her and Myriam safely. I kept sneaking glances at Amren and shot worried looks Rhysand's way. She looked so weak. I never would've imagined seeing Amren like this, ever. I look over to the infamous Myriam and see that she was still a sobbing mess. Rowan tries to comfort her but she keeps crying for Drakon. Rowan shoots Aelin an exasperated glance over Myriam's head. Aelin shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders in mock regret. We all were standing in the living room, lifelessly staring at the ground. I looked around to find grim faces staring behind me.

I turn around and see Cassian standing there a concerned expression set on his face. He walks as fast as he could to Amren and grips her shoulders giving them a rough shake.

"Amren? Are you ok?" he asks. I hadn't stopped to think about how the journey would affect the state of his wings.

Amren lifts her head up and her usual stormy eyes are blank. She nods wordlessly and weakly tries to escape Cassian's gaze. She heads over to the arm chair and folds herself into it.

"Now that we've rescued Amren and Myriam we have to make our move. Now. The King and his men have probably already noticed their disappearance and they won't hesitate to bring us down," Rhysand takes over the situation. Rhysand looks over to Amren and softly asks her a question. "Did you find or hear anything that can help us infiltrate their castle? Or any weaknesses that can help us in any way?"

Amren once again lifts her head up with an expressionless stare. "He's making new Fae everyday. They're strong, really strong. I was never taken out of my cell and the guards never let out a single word. I don't know anything. I don't know how we can defeat him." My heart breaks seeing her in this state. She was always the strong one, the invincible one. THe King would pay for what he did.

"There were ancient wards all over the castle, engraved in the stones. We need someone to break them, if not permanently, at least for long enough so we can slip in destroy the cauldron, kill the king and Jurian, and take over his Kingdom," surprisingly it was Myriam who spoke up. She still had a terrified look in her eyes, but she was trying to be strong, for the rest of us.

"No pressure," Aedion muttered under his breath, probably meaning it for his ears only, but this was a room full of Fae.

"How long until we attack?" Aelin asked, fire still dancing in her eyes. She was clutching Rowan's hand as if her life depended on it.

"If we're stretching our luck we'll have less than a week. That's being generous. We need to form our plan tonight," Rhysand replied. I saw his shoulders slouch from an invisible burden. "You've got Myriam, what you came for. If you want to back out, now is the time to do so," I can sense it pained him to say this, but he said it nevertheless.

"Of course not. This is our fight too," Aelin declared. She settled herself at the opposite end of the table and pulls out a large piece of paper. "Myriam, were you taken out of your cell at any time? Did you ever get the chance to see the castle?"

"Y-yes. Only the west side, where the cauldron was. Jurian, he took me there everyday trying to ask me for some Book. I didn't know what he was talking about, but he didn't believe me. He walked with me all around the west side, taunting me. He-nevermind. Yes, I'm acquainted with a small part of the castle," her voice quivered as she spoke, but there was an icy steel in her eyes.

"Can you draw the west side? Mark the doors, windows, everything. My army will not go in there not knowing anything about the layout. You said there were wards engraved in the stone. That means they were visible, mark those as well. We need this done now so my army will memorize it," I'm amazed at the pure authority in Aelin's voice. I couldn't help but think that she makes a good queen. Maybe I should've observe her more, if I wanted to become a good High Lady.

"Rhysand, Feyre, you know part of the castle as well. Do what you can to help Myriam," Rowan ordered. And perhaps Rowan will make a great king as well, I thought with a smirk. I wiped the expression off my face as I took in Amren's state. She was still seated by herself, her legs folded under her. I wanted to go towards her but the map needed to be done. I shifted my eyes to Mor- she was gnawing at her lip, and her eyebrows were stuck in a tragic slant. I silently begged her to look at me and she finally met my eyes. I flicked my eyes toward Amren and back to her and she nodded in complete understandment. She timidly tip-toed over to Amren and squatted by the arm of the chair, trying to engage her in a quiet conversation. Azriel stayed behind Mor shyly, not quite knowing what to do with himself. Aelin, Rowan, Dorian, Aedion, and Lysandra were all whispering in a huddle. I could tell they were discussing battle strategies, and... I strained my Fae ears to hear that the others were also suggesting for Aelin to take it easy. A grim smile settled on my face, that conversation would definitely not go their way if I'd learned anything about Aelin so far.

I look at Rhysand, trying to work with Myriam. I could tell he was trying so hard but she kept claiming that she couldn't remember all of the details. Rhysand continued trying to get it out of her, but she merely shook her head and squeezed her eyes.

She doesn't want to remember, I thought. Her memories from that place were not good ones, so her brain chose to file them away without her knowing. I know from experience what that's like. An idea suddenly sparked in my mind. Rhysand and I could go in her mind and see the details for ourselves. I walked over to Myriam and she flinched when my shoulder slightly brushed hers.

"Myriam, I have an idea. If you're uncomfortable with it we'll understand, but it may be our best chance," I explained my idea and after a moment of thought she slowly nodded.

"Feyre, you're brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?" Rhysand says as he runs his hand through his hair. Myriam slowly unlocked her thoughts to us and we plunged into her mind.

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