Chapter 27-Myriam

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I opened my eyes to darkness, pitch black. Where was I? The last thing I remembered was going to close the window that had been randomly opened-then nothing.

I moved to pick up my head and felt sharp, stabbing pains in my arms and stomach. I could barely hear muffled sounds around me. It sounded like grunts, a few feet to the right of me, and screams, far away and to the left.

A dagger hitting the ground, right in front of me.

I whipped my head toward the source of the noise and tried to adjust my vision to the darkness. After a second, I could make out the silhouette of a large man with long hair.

I tried to speak but all that came out were a series of fits and coughs. The man only laughed and said, "best if I don't hear your agitating voice anyway."

Finally, I managed to choke out, "where am I?"

The man came closer and closer until I could faintly see the whites of his eyes then he said, "the question is not where you are, but who will find you," he laughed a haunting, evil laugh.

I recognized that laugh, I'd heard it so many times before.

"Jurian?" I asked.

"Took you long enough," he snapped. I could feel the hatred radiating off of him.

"Why?" my voice cracked out. He used to love me more than anything in the world. I cringed at the thought of love that vast turning to burning hatred in such a short period of time.

"You betrayed me. You hurt me, now it's your turn to feel what I felt," he whispered, close to my face. I screamed when he grabbed my arm and twisted, yelling something I didn't understand.

He was asking me a question, but all I could get out was, "I don't know, I don't know. Please, I don't know."

His grip moved to my neck and he slammed me against the cold stone wall screaming, "where's the Book?"

"I don't know anything about a book," I rasped. I felt my senses fleeing away from me and my consciousness started to fade. I scratched at his arm, doing anything to get him to let me go. I started kicking at him when I realized that my feet were off of the ground, but he wouldn't let go. His grip just kept getting tighter, cutting off my oxygen.

He's going to kill me, was my last thought.

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