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Terror, excitement, and pity all got up to Skylar when she saw him.

He looked like running and falling the cliff for straight three days. She saw a hint of madness in his eyes. He was staring at her and shaking.

"N-" she remembered to pretend that she doesn't know him. "No"

"I just saved your life and I got a bloody no?" He finally spoke. It was still the sexy british accent that she remembered. She was amazed by it.

She snaped out of her thoughts and looked at him aiming the gun at her. She could tell he was annoyed. She wanted to talked and say something but she was afraid that Newt might pull the trigger.

About a half a minute of silence, she finally broke it. "Sorry" she was grasping the right words. "I was just shocked. Thank you."

Newt nodded and began walking away. Skylar could see his limp as he walked. She saw how he got it back at the screens of WICKED.

She cut off her thoughts and knew he was going away. She can't let him go.

She sprinted and jumped pass the guy that attacked her. "Wait!"

He immediately turned back and pointed the launcher at her. It's tip touching her forehead. Skylar immediately halted and raised her arms for defeat.

His bulging brown eyes were still beautiful up close. "Speak. Don't waste my bloody time on you" He doesn't seem like the Newt she knew but he was still in there...somewhere.

She was still filled with terror to speak. One wrong word and he could pull the trigger.

"Please don't shoot me" That's all that came out.

Surprisingly, Newt lowered his gun. He seems like he was fighting to keep himself calm. "Now what?"

Skylar didn't know what to say. She ran out of words. But she really has to say something. "Um. I co-uld use a friend here, since I'm new to this place" something finally came up to her.

"And you look like the one I'm looking for. Since it seems that the flare hasn't affected you yet.. Um yeah" She tried to put up a sheepish smile.

Newt twisted his shoulder. "Save it kid. I'm not what ya' think. Find some other cranks that are as normal as ya'"

She didn't want to protest any longer. She might push him to his edge. "Alright. But thank you so so so so so much for saving me. I'm Skylar by the way!"

She extended her hand and waited for him to take it. Just like what she did when she first met him.

Newt just nodded and twisted his whole body. He began walking away without any word.

She put her hand down and started following him. She halted a few feet away from him. He might think that she's crazy following him around.

He turned to the main street and began limping away. Leaving Skylar there darting her eyes on him. His limp was very noticeable.

She stood there for a minute until someone ran into her. They both landed on the floor.

"You should watch yo-" she forgot that this was the usual cause of street fighting. But the person immediately stood up. He was a guy with black hair and he was tall. Taller than Newt.

He was quite good looking. But seems all messed up judging from his clothes. She thought. If only he wasn't crazy.

The guy didn't bother to look at her. His eyes glued on Newt as he walked away. He turned his head to the corner where Newt shot the guy who almost killed her. Then he turned to her.

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