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The cranks knew. Roselle, Jason, Tommy, and Angela. They all knew about it. It'll only take a matter of time before Newt finds out.

She wasn't going to escape this one. Her face turned blank as she dug in her question. "Why are you doing this?"

Her eyes shifted towards the baby. "Risk my life for the sake of someone who doesn't even know me." Her thoughts were cleared.

"Same reason as you." A smile started painting from her face. "He's the only thing I have left and I want to be there until.... until he checks out."

"Call me crazy for leaving my safe place but I did. Besides nothing was left there also. I chose to die with something this way rather than to live each day waking up with nothing. He doesn't remember me. But I'll still choose him over those things. He's my last request'"

Angela was too young to know all of this. But she knew what she meant and understood her reason. She nodded her head.

"Newt's a great guy. It saddens me that he'll have to go through all of the crank stuff. But now I'm assured that he'll get along well. He's strong and he has you." She gave her a reassuring smile.

Skylar's head turned towards the door. "I promise that you'll reach the train station." She extended her arms and patted the baby.

Calmness flew around the atmosphere as both of the reflected on their conversation.

It was interrupted by the banging of the door outside. "Skylar! Angela!"

Both of them scrambled on their feet and raced towards it. Throwing the handle.

Newt's faced looked like as if he had ran an entire marathon. Sweat dripping from his forehead and he was catching his breath. Hands on his knees.

Her eyes fell on his arms. Blood dripping from it and a few scratches on his thin arm an legs. "Hi"

"What happened to you?" Skylar raised her eyebrow. He looks as if he was going to faint.

"Ran in a few of em' in the staircase. Tried to toss em' off. Dead bodies scattered from the glass corridor. But I can assure you to shanks that they haven't reached the fire bloody exit."  He snorted. "Or what it seems to be. I didn't go beyond."

His feet collapsed and he layed flat on the entrance. "Takin' out those buggers isn't an easy job." He sighed. "Gim'me a minute or two I'll be back on my bloody feet."

Groans blasted from behind them. She twisted her head to that direction. Revealing that the door was being wrestled by the cranks above.

"Forget what I said." Newt used his arms and pushed his body up. "Go!"

The two girls were on their feet. Scrambling down the staircase. Newt right behind them.

"It'll take 'em a couple of minutes to crack that door open. We should be able to reach the elevator by that time." He catches his breath.

Two stories down. Three to go. I'm praying that my carelessness would just stay away from me. The steps down were steep. One wrong move and I'll fall face first. Rose would eventually take my nose.

Ten steps down. The door. Sixty steps per stair case. Seven more minutes until hell breaks loose 300 steps above.

And just like that, they got inside.

The body stopped crying. Silence. Empty silence just like the past two terrains.

The smell got to her second. Then the dead bodies. All scattered in an oddly zigzag pattern on the floor. Flesh everywhere. Broken arms. Broken legs. And a broken hope.

My Last Request- Newt Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now