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"Their noises are getting louder. We're almost there!" Roselle tried her best effort to speak between her breaths while running.

Skylar and Newt were behind her as she lead the way. Avoiding the tress infront of them.

Suddenly, a loud scream came from above and something fell from the trees. The trio halted when this happened. It wasn't just something. It seemed to be someone.

The thing was a few feet infront of them. She took a few steps forward to look at the figure. It really is someone.

Before she could take one more, Newt squeezed her hand and pulled her back to him. "I don't think it's a good idea checkin that bugger out."

The person was still screaming. But wasn't moving anymore.

"So what to we do?" Skylar raised a question.

"Find Jarvis and the others, Duh?" Roselle answered and walked pass the person as if it wasn't there.

She couldn't see how the person look like. He was flat on the grassy floor. All  she could see was blood and tattered clothes.

Newt followed Roselle and tightened the grip on Skylar. He walked slowly pass the person.

She look down as they pass. What happened to this one? The guy didn't look like a person anymore. His face was wripped apart, blood over his body, and his veins exploding. While his teeth were attached to his forehead.

"The flare." She halted when she heard him say something. "We won't last long now. The Flare is taking over!" Then he went back screaming.

"Did you hear that?" She whispered to Newt's ear as they started running again.

"The truth? Yes we won't last long Skylar. The Flare is starting to invade us even more." Bitterness on his tone. And his expression, when he faced Thomas, went back.

She chose to ignore what he just said. It might get worse if she add something.

"I know that guy" Roselle stated without looking back. "We weren't friends in the palace but he's a nice ol'dude." She paused for a moment. "I don't want to end up like that."

"Well, it's inevitable." Newt added with a sarcastic small laugh. Roselle turned back and glared at Newt. Then she started walking again.

Newt you're only making yourself worse. Skylar thought.

"I'M A CRANK!" A loud scream echoed frim behind. Before the trio could look back, someone went pass Skylar and clawed her right shoulder.

She jumped from her position, letting go of Newt's arm and fell into the ground.

Suddenly someone jumped on top of her.

She kicked and pushed, eyes closed, to break free. But it was too strong. The person was screaming on top of his lungs and scratching her shoulders.

Her eyes shot open and that's when she witnessed something horrible.

It was a crank. It was ten times horrible than what they saw earlier. This guy had no hair, no teeth, and his skin were all scratched. His whole body bathe in blood.

"GET OFF!" With a sudden action, Newt ran towards them and kicked the guy above her.

She got up on her feet when dhe was free and ran towards Newt.

"Go towards Roselle now!" He commanded and she did so.

Roselle pulled her close and they hid behind a gigantic bark of tree. A few feet away from Newt and the crank.

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