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"I do have some" Skylar whispered as her voice began to shake. He was afraid that Newt might get desperate for the bliss.

"Gim'me some. So we don't have a bloody problem." She shivered as he spoke more.

She took what Newt said as an anvantage for her. "You'll only get it for a trade" Her chin rested on his shoulder. She was on her toes since he was taller than her.

As worst as this moment is, she actually felt comfortable.

"Hmmmm" She could hear him breath. "Hmmmm... Hmmmm ... Hmmm"

"And what is that?" He lowered his voice even more. She saw in the corner of her eye, he smiled a bit.

The smile may look broken and planned but it still delighted her inside. It's the first time in this day that she'd see him smile.

An idea came. She'll take advantage of this Bliss thing. She leaned closer to his ear. Her lips touching it already.

"Exchange for your companionship in this godforsaken place."

Newt let go of her shirt and backed up a little. The smile was still painted in his face. It turned into a frowned immediately. "Promise me that you'll give it? If I became your bloody companion here?" He half whispered.

Skylar nodded and smiled. "Yeah promise" her voice still lowered. She extended her arms. "Deal?"

Newt looked at it for a second. Skylar was a little scared that he wont agree. She doesn't have any back up plan. And she couldn't just stalked him all day long.

He took the hand without smiling. "Deal" His hand was a little moist and shaky. But everytime their hand connects. Skylar really did feel some electricity from it.

Newt suddenly squeezed her hand and dragged her. He was strong. She felt her hands being pulled out of her body.

He stepped on a lot of persons on the floor. Skylar tried her best to avoid them since they might start up a fight anytime.

Thet reached the exit of the bowling alley. He wasn't letting go of her hand.

She just noticed that there were some groups of cranks in circles. They were exaggerating all their actions. And there were cranks who were shouting on the top of their lungs.

She didn't bother to make eye contact of anybody as they joined in the crowd.

"N-" she remembered again to not mention his name unless he told her. "Now where are we going?" She wasn't sure if Newt heard her. The croud was too loud.

"Gettin' a bloody bottle of water" He reponded. His voice standing out fron the crowd. Pulling her left and right.

This scenario was romantic back then. But now it seems danger. Or both.

"You haven't told me your name." She was trying to start a conversation with him. But he gave her no attention. "Cmon. Just tell me your name"

"Shuck face" was the response she got from him. He didn't even bothered to look back.

This conversation is going nowhere. She decided to lighten things up a bit. "What a nice name. Shuck face. So your dad must be shuck and your mom must be face?"

Newt turned around and pulled her closer to her. Hitting her body to his again. "My name's Newt okay?! Now shut your bloody hole"

His tone might hurt her, but she felt delighted that he told her his name. Not that she doesn't know it yet.

"What a weird name" Atleast that's what everyone said about him.

After a few more minutes of being sandwiched in the crowd, they both stood infront of a convenience store. It doesn't seem wrecked yet. The door was closed and the windows were covered in wooden planks. No ome seems to enter it yet. It was located at the fartest east corner of the zone.

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