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It was hot. Really hot.

Sweat trickling down from her forehead. She was catching her breath.

She wanted to scream. To cry. To run.

If it wasn't because of the boy laying down beside her. Covered with nothing more than a dirty sheet, she would go mad. I can't hold it in.

Skylar held back the tears and plopped inside her dirty clothes,that were scattered all over the floor, and ran towards the door.

She went to the lobby and up the stairway. Which was barely hangging. The steps screamed and crack as she placed her feet on it. Her leg almost fell into a hole in one of the steps, but she caught herself and ran.

I don't know where I'm going. Or when I'm stopping. They should stop haunting me. Everything should.

That's when her body slammed into a metal door. And light suddenly filled up the whole open space. Polluted air got inside her nostrils. And her body collapsed towards the floor.

She finally screamed. Again and again. Tears rushing down her cheeks. Her body trembling. As she lays down alone at the rooftop of the Red Brick Furniture House.

Those nightmares would never stop haunting me. As if they were a ragular thing now. The scary part is that it wouldn't stop. It would just get worst each time. And this time I don't even know.

That was her case for atleast a couple of minutes. She let out one last scream.

Staying here and thinking about everything and rewinding things over and over, won't give me any help.

Although she was still weak, she pushed her body up trying to stand. But she miserably failed when her injured arm collapsed and her chest fell square on the floor.

She dug her elbow down the floor and started crawling her way towards the corner of the rooftop.

Finally, she had reached her destination. She sat up straight and leaned her back against the concrete barriers, that were surrounding the area.

Everything came splashing down inside her head. A never ending abyss of her own nightmares swallowing her own thoughts.

Maybe I'm the one that needs to take the bliss.

That's when her hands searched around her pocket. While her mind is grasping for some peace inside it. The only peace that she could get was everything that happened last night. But it was being consumed in a fast way by those dreams.

The paper-like texture reached her hand. A few days ago back at the palace she noticed this but never took it out. And she did.

The paper was crumpled. It seems like water had already invaded it. But there was something written on it. The letters were splashed down by water.

She rubbed her eyes a few times to see clearer. There were numbers.

#36272828 when you read this call me immediately -Braun.

"Braun?" She muttered.

It was just like in those old movies where you would need something, and that thing would be right next to you.

Laying beside her were piles of old holographic phones. Either busted or not.

She turned her head once again back to the entrance. No one was there. Curiosity eating her, she decided to dug inside and find a working phone.

Alright, let's see if I still know how yo use one of these babies. She opened one up and started dialing.

Absently, she stood up. And moved to the other side of the rooftop.

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