Spookys Return

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Cigar smoke, alcohol and sweaty teenagers filled the air in Alexia's nose, as she attempts to focus on her twin brothers whereabouts, her eyes cannot help but trace back to the backyard full of people drinking, smoking or swapping saliva with others.

"Do you see him? I don't see him" Monse Finnie asked curiously as she looks around the setting.

"Nope." Alexia and Ruby Martinez answers. Jamal Turner, who was on the other side of Monse kept repeating to the group that this plan was a bad idea. Alexia attempts to hear their conversation but was lost in her thoughts.

Alexia wondered what it would be like to go to a party, as she never have attended one before, she rarely ever celebrated her own birthday as it would have been just her and Cesar. However, if they lived a different life, would it have changed anyway? She would still be the one that doesn't fit in the crowd, well that's how she liked it anyway, as she had always believed that she was a follower, not a leader.

"We can't see him cause he is being stealth." Ruby assured.

"No doubt he's got this, when has Cesar ever disappointed?" Monse quickly glances at Jamal.

"Fourth grade, kickball tourney. We lost." Jamal emphasised, to which Alexia rolled her eyes. However she was slightly frightened as a voice came from behind them, to which it was none other than her twin brother, Cesar Diaz.

"Only because I picked the kid with no skills." Cesar retorted.

"Yeah J, you really do have big feet for nothing." Alexia laughed. Jamal mocked her laugh.

"Take it in, this will be us, this is high school." Cesar announces as everyone takes a sip of their drink simultaneously.

Her eyes trace to Ruby's older brother Mario Martinez, practically eating his girlfriends face.

"Oo guys check out huerita at 9 o'clock." Ruby smirked as his head nodded towards a much older girl.

"Monse, Lexi, if you were a girl.." Ruby starts.

"I am a girl." The girls answers bluntly.

"Okay but if you were a girl like that, would you wear underwear?" Ruby asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Dude." Alexia scrunches up her face. However she was interrupted as she hears Jamal muttering continuously.

"Hey Mana, you ready for high school?" Cesar asked as he nudged his twin sister in the ribs.

"Not really, it's a different ball game, I'll probably spend the rest of my school life using the library as my comfort place." Alexia says.

"Princesa of Santo wouldn't need to hang around in the library." Cesar laughs.

"Yes but if she wants to graduate and go to college to study journalism and be a journalist then I think she should." Alexia adviced.

"You'll graduate, you have always been the smartest kid out of the rest of us." Cesar reassures her.

"I don't know Mano, someone from my background, they haven't gotten too far." Alexia doubts as she looks at her brother hopelessly. They were both interrupted as they hear Jamal spiraling over football again.

"Compa just because your Papa was a legend in football doesn't mean you got to play." Alexia reassured him as she pays his back. Jamal quickly gained as posture and looks at her.

"I don't know how to tell my parents yet." Jamal manages to say through each breath, Alexia knows how much Jamal despises football, everyday he reminds her the statistics of injury and death caused by the game. It was always up to Alexia to calm him down.

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