Goodbye Freeridge

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15 years ago*

Seven years Oscar heads to the hospital with a bright smile and exciting feeling. He had just found out that his little brother was born. The nurses gave him directions for which room his mother was in, as he found it, he immediately spot her sitting up in the hospital bed. To his surprise, his mother cradled a baby in her arms, a smile displayed on her face as she was in awe of her youngest son.

"Mi hijo, come meet your brother." His mother called out to him. Oscar ran to the hospital bed and climbed up next to him, his face brightens up as he sees his little brother looking at him curiously.

"There's another surprise aswell, look over there." His mother whispered. He furrowed his brows, he noticed a casket very close to the bed. He leaned over to take a peak, to his bewilderment, it was another baby sleeping.

"There's two of them?" Oscar asked excitedly.

"Her name is Alexia." His mother laughs slightly.

"Can I hold her?" Oscar asked, his mother nods in approval. Oscar delicately slides his hand underneath her and picks her up gently, her eyes start to slowly open as she realised she was moved from her spot. He tightened his grip onto her so she didn't slip from his hand. Alexia looks up at Oscar with wonder, she attempts to make small noises from her mouth while she continues to stare.

"Awesome." Oscar whispered to himself, he felt as if he was able to understand her, her tiny hands wrap one of his fingers.

"Any ideas on what we should call this little one, Oscar?" His mother asked. Oscar started to think, what sort of name could he have.

"Remember that movie I used to love watching? What was his name again?" Oscar asked.

"Cesar?" Lydia guessed.

"Yeah, Cesar! Let's call him Cesar." Oscar pants excitedly. His mother laughs wholeheartedly, "Okay, welcome both Cesar and Alexia."

Oscars smile grew bigger, today he gained two siblings. He wished this moment could last forever. From that day, Oscar had made it his mission to be the sole protector of both his younger siblings. He promised himself that no harm would go their way.


15 years ago, Oscar was in this very room and held his baby sister for the first time. Now, he held his sisters hand who was in a deep sleep and required an oxygen mask. Oscar didn't prepare himself when he came to see her, Cuchillos wasn't lying. As soon as he arrived into the room, the first thing he noticed was several cuts were made all over her arms, neck, chest and thighs. Some of them required stitching as the wounds were too deep. He felt his stomach drop at the sight of her, no words could describe how he was feeling now, he kept trying to suck the tears back in, but they were falling out freely.

"I'm so fucking sorry mi Hermana." Oscar whimpers, he holds her hand for dear life as he places it close to his face.

Oscar would never admit fault to anyone, even when he knew he was at fault, he wouldn't speak up on it. It was this moment now, he can confidently say he had fucked up. Oscar felt useless and vulnerable, he vowed that he would protect his siblings from harm, and yet here he is, watching his younger sister lying in a hospital bed holding onto her life. The only thing that comforted him was the sound of the machine beeping, indicating that she was still here with him.

Cesar had finally showed up and arrived in the room, "is she a awake?-" he stopped as he noticed the sight of his sisters condition. His heart dropped and the lump in throat causing his breath to hitch slightly.

"Nurses said she lost a lot of blood, they're not sure how she's still alive." Oscar said. Cesar walked up to the other side of the hospital bed. He eyes his sister, despite all the wounds, she looks so peaceful in her sleep, "Do they know who found her?"

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