Operation saving Cesar

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The last two weeks have been hectic in Freeridge, a new girl in town name Olivia has joined the group who is staying at the Martinez household. It came quite a shock to Alexia seeing her their for the first time, she left her black jumper at Rubys and when she went to retrieve it, she found the new girl setting everything up in his room.

"Rubes, I forgot my jumper I need it ba- oh, you're not Ruby." Alexia stopped in her tracks.

"No sorry hi my name is Olivia, I just moved here. And you are?" Olivia greeted kindly to the shocked Alexia.

"Oh, Lexi, where's Ruby?" Alexia asked confused.

"He should be out there talking to his mom." Olivia answered before going back to sorting her things.
Alexia walked out to quickly find Ruby talking to his mom Geny.

"Ah the girl in your room, who is that?" Alexia asked pointing to his room.

"That's Rubys Prima, Olivia" Geny told her.

"Not blood prima though." Ruby said seductively, which earnt a slap towards Rubys head from Alexia.

"Creep." She said towards him disgusted.

"Anyways you should get going, Jamal was looking for you." Ruby mentioned to Alexia.

"He could've just texted me." She laughed.

"Whatever, now leave me be, I gotta spend time with the new guest." Ruby smiled devilishly, he starts to push her towards the door.

"Fine, fine I'll go. Don't be too creepy, pendejo." She huffed and walked out the door.
The next day Ruby scheduled to talk to Oscar, when Alexia heard she quickly raced to his house lecturing him.

"Do you have a death wish or something, why would you do this?" Alexia asked.

"He's a kid, he shouldn't be in Santo, he's not Oscar." Ruby answered.

"Ugh, just please don't go too grammarly with him, he hates when people try to belittle him." Alexia says anxiously.

"I've already talked to Cesar about this, I'm just going to go in there and cut straight to the point. I got this." Ruby said with confidence.


"I don't got this, oh my god Lex help me. Stay with me while I'm talking to your brother, maybe he might spare my life if his sister is present." Ruby pants as he paces up and down debating all of his decisions made.

"Surprisingly he's had a good morning so far you caught him on a good day. He might be a bit easier on you." Alexia mentioned in attempt to brightened his confidence.

"Stay with me still, just in case." Ruby said as he linked his arms with hers. The pair walked into Alexias backyard heading towards the shed.

"Is that acid, fuck this I'm out." Ruby began to breathe rapidly, as he turned towards the other way.
Alexia got a hold on him and attempts to pull him back.

"No you can't back out now." Alexis whispered, both of them slinging eachother around in the backyard not noticing Oscar stepping out and staring at the two.

"Sup fool?" Oscar greeted, Ruby quickly stopped in his tracks and adjusted himself to look tidy, Alexia helping him by straightening his shirt.

"Now remember, not too many questions, be straight, simple and don't let him show that you're nervous." Alexia whispered before leaving him to stand next to Oscar. The older Diaz brother sat a chair out for Ruby and Alexia to sit on. Oscar leaned towards Ruby staring at him intensely noticing small specs of glitter on his face.

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