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The group had stayed at Jasmines the whole night. whilst Jasmine was filling in the pieces of why Cuchillos wanted lil Ricky, Alexia woke up from her nap. She had used Jamals jacket as a blanket while she used his legs as a comfort to sleep on. Jamal had got up to to see what Jasmine was doing on her laptop whilst Cesar came to sit next to his sister and nudged her.

"When were you going to tell me about you and Jamal?" Cesar asked.

"The kiss only happened two days ago, it took you a whole four months for you to tell me about you and Monse." Alexia shot back.

"Because we thought It would tear the group apart." Monse added.

"Well it didn't, nothing has happened yet. Just give us time to figure things out before we make it public." Alexia informed them.

Alexia turned her head towards her brother who only looked at her with discomfort, "what?"

"Nothing, I just didn't think you were into the whole dating thing." Cesar implied.

"Because I wasn't allowed to, Oscar and you made sure of that." Alexia sassed. 

A ding occurred which alarmed the rest of the group, "the results came out that fast?" Monse asked.

"Oh nah girl, that's my pop tart." Jasmine fumbled with her food. Jasmine had looked up Rubys father on NCIC crime database to demonstrate to the group what it could do and it's possibility to find Lil Ricky.

"Okay NCIC is clean, although your daddy's credit a little dirty. NCIC checks credit data too." Jasmine explained, the group came over to observe. A notice came on the laptop regarding Rubys fathers overdue notice, "oh my god."

"It ain't no thing. Ruby we're all a little behind. Sometimes you gotta borrow from Predro to pay Pablo." Jasmine attempted to reassure him. Guilt had filled Alexias and Cesar's body when they look at Ruby.

Jasmine went back to the search and typed Ricardo Galindo, instantly 12 results came back. "Boom people! We got hits!"

"Oh shit." Monse gasped while peering through the results.

"This is amazing." Ruby added.

"You must be the shit at the station to have this kind of access." Cesar smirked towards Jasmine.

"Or I stole Hammel's password." Jasmine admitted, instantly the group had leaned back from her. An uneasy look on their faces once she mentioned the Officer.

"Oh, small detail we forgot. Hammels a dirty cop." Jamal informed her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. How dirty? Like fixing parking tickets dirty? Or planting a gun dirty? Or I shot you because you're brown dirty?" Jasmine gasped at the end.

"He's working for Cuchillos." Alexia stated.

Jasmine abruptly stood up, "are you kidding me! This is next level, why did you bury the lede? You lead with the lede, that's why it is called a lede!" Jasmine yelled at them.

"Will that affect anything?" Alexia asked confused.

"Yes chica, I knew Hammel had some stank on him. If Cuchillos has cops on the payroll, they would've already tracked these leads and come up empty. People you can't be soft if you want to be a dick! Now harden up! And get out, we will reconvene at school at oh- something hundred hours!" Jasmine snapped her fingers and pointed towards the door, urging everyone to leave.


"So, explain to me. How exactly did you and Jamal get together?" Cesar asked while they were walking home.

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