Jamal for the win

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Since Alexias meltdown, her grounding conditions had become more exhaustive. Oscar ended up confiscating her phone and hid it in his room so she wasn't able to find it. Alexia had to do every single chore in the house, the clothes washing, dish washing, cooking and cleaning. Everything that had practically earned the title of a maid.

What was more frustrating is that she had hit her time of the month. This was the worst time that her period had came through, considering she was grounded it meant she had to ask Oscar to get the supplies for her since he had took away her privileges to walk to the store.

Alexia was a late bloomer and had gotten her first period when Oscar came back home. Without a mother figure around, Alexia never was able to be given 'the talk'. Consequently, when she realised what had happened, a blood curling scream escaped from her lips as she stared at the stains of her bedsheets and her pants. The scream had immediately fled both brothers up in to the youngest Diaz bedroom, the scene almost made them faint from the sight of the blood.

She never forgot that day, nor did Oscar. After that day, he saw her as a woman. Not his little baby sister anymore.

Alexia stepped out of her bedroom and walked into the kitchen where Oscar was drinking Coronas with Sad eyes and a few girls that were affiliated with the Santos.

"¿Adónde vas?" Oscar asked as he realised her standing at the hallway entry.

"I need to go to the store." Alexia stated confidently.

Oscar was a little taken back by how abrupt she was by her answer, "You're still grounded."

"It's an emergency." Alexia tried again.

Oscar leaned towards in his seat, his elbows resting on the table. " I'm sure it can wait in the morning."

"No it won't, take me to the shops now or I'm walking." Alexia challenged.

She doesn't normally challenge Oscar like this, however these time of the months she was more hot tempered. At times Oscar couldn't give a shit when she would answer back, however since he had guest over. He didn't want them to think that he couldn't control his sister.

"And I said it can wait until morning." Oscars voice started to rise.

"I'm going to the shops one way or another." Alexia seethed. At this point Oscar had stood up from his seat and walked towards her.

"Why the hell do you need to go to the shops at this god dam hour!" Oscar had finally shouted.

"Because I'm on my period!" Alexia shouted back.
Oscar stepped back from the youngest Diaz, he mentally sighed as he realised what had happened.

"Uh, we can come back another time." Sad eyes called out to Oscar.

Oscar looked back and nodded, indicating that they had to go. While everyone had left, Sad eyes slightly ruffling Alexias head before stepping out with the girls following behind. All there was left in the household was Oscar and Alexia who were staring each other down.

"Get in the car, don't pull that shit again." Oscar seethed as he went to look for his keys. Alexia slightly scoffed as she exited the house to wait by the Impala.

"I need this, and this." Alexia noted as she put a pack of pads and a small box of tampons in the basket. Oscar didn't know what had overcame him, he practically shoved the basket in her hands as he walked around the store to look for other things that they needed.

"That's your shit, you hold it."

When they made it back to the house, Alexia was in a more enlightened mood while Oscar was the opposite. He hated these times, she was growing up quickly. In which it meant she was prone to argue with him more than she normally would. It was easier just having Cesar here, however with Alexia. Oscar felt lost with her here. He questioned himself when no one was around, he always worried for her safety. She was growing up, and Oscar was having a hard time adjusting to the changes involved in her aging.

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