Meeting Cuchillos

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Alexia gasped for air once the bag was lifted off her face. She looked around and saw Jamal next to her aswell as Ruby, Monse and Cesar. All of them glanced between eachother in fear and confusion into why they were at an unfamiliar residence.

"Please take a drink and hydrate." A strange woman encourages as she sits across from them. The teenagers quickly reached for the glass and gulped down the water.

"Let me know if it's too strong."

"If what's too strong?" Ruby asked nervously.

"The poison." The woman answered seriously. Everyone had spat out their drinks, "I'm joking, poison doesn't have a taste."

Alexia and the everyone else spat their drinks out again after listening to what she had just said, however the lady only laughed in amusement.

"Maurice, please get my guest more water. I was being mala." The woman laughed.

"Uh we appreciate your sense of humor but in all seriousness, whatever your husband thinks we did, we can explain." Jamal assumed.

"My Husband?" She asked in confusion.

"Uh boyfriend?" Jamal guessed.

"I answer to no one, let alone a man. I am-"

"Cuchillos, heir to the Santos." Cesar finished.

"So you're smarter than you look." Cuchillos smirked.

"Cuchillos, as in knives?" Alexia asked anxiously, she grasped Jamal's hand to comfort herself and him, he squeezed her hand back in reassurance.

"Don't look so scared, I brought you here to thank you."

"For what?" Ruby asked fearfully.

"For taking down the prophets, we thought we might get a handful, but to wipe out the entire operation? What a feat, I thought who are these kids? How clever they must be to find the Rollerworld money. I'm gonna tell you a secret, I was with Benito, Frankie and Lil Ricky that night." Cuchillos confessed.

Alexia and Jamal looked at eachother bewildered, "that can't be."

"No!" Jamal exclaimed.

"Who do you think came up with the plan?" Cuchillos shrugged.

"Lil Ricky wasn't the mastermind? I don't buy it, there was no trace of you in my investigation." Jamal didn't believe any word of it, he had been convinced all this time that Ricky Galindo was the genius behind Rollerworld.

"Of course not, and for good reason. Because behind a good man is a better woman."Alexia and Monse smirked at eachother, telepathically giving eachother a fist bump.

"So now I need your help again." Cuchillos grabbed the full bag of money and set it on the table in front of the teens, "If you were clever enough to find the Rollerworld money,  I know you can help me with something even more important, and if you do- I'll give you back the dough. Lil Ricky is alive, and you're gonna find him."


"How do you know that he is alive?" Alexia asked her curiously.

"There's a grave." Jamal informed Cuchillos.

"Do you really think that all graves have bodies or that all bodies have graves? It's called female intuition, I just feel that he's alive, always have. I just don't know where he is." Cuchillos expressed while she shows the group of her home.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to be found." Ruby suggested.

"I thought of that too, but I don't care. He was, is the love of my life. I need him to know and now is the time, this august is the 40th Hood Day for all Santos.   He deserves to see all that we have achieved, and you're gonna ensure he does." Cuchillos pointed to the group.

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