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Alexia had woken up from her sleep by the sound of her phone ringing. Once she reaches for her phone, the screen indicated that no one was calling but yet she heard a something ringing in her room. Alexia found the source of the ringing which was under her pillow.

There she held a small black burner phone, Alexia flipped the phone up and answered the call. "Who is this?"

"Hola Princesa." The very familiar chilling voice spoke.

Alexia didn't respond back, her breathing quickens as Cuchillos keeps talking. "I am getting very impatient mi hija, July is almost coming up and I have not received any information about Lil Ricky just yet."

"It's going to take some time." Alexia says courageously, Cuchillos laughs on the other line, "Unfortunately your time is almost running out, Look into your bottom draw."

Alexia got up from her bed and did what she instructed. Cuchillos sends in the next instruction, "there's a yellow envelope in there, I want you to have a look at what's inside."

Alexia cautiously picks up the envelope, her fear rises once she finds her name on the envelope. Alexia opens it up and finds enlarged photographs, as she flips them over, her stomach drops and her breath hitches. She attempts to muffle her screams to prevent waking up the rest of the household as she looks at the photographs.

It was photos of Latrelle in his cell, he had been beaten to the point his face was almost unrecognisable. His skin was practically black and blue from all the major bruises. She had also picked out certain sites of blood coming out from his body, almost looked like as if they were stab wounds.

"Don't worry mamacita, he's alive." Cuchillos told her, Alexia cried out in relief.

"But if you don't get me what I want at the end of July, then you will both be sharing a grave together. I'm sure your brothers wouldn't want you to find similar photos of you like this. The choice is yours."

Alexia hung up the phone and bursted out into tears. Fear spread throughout her body as she continues to look at the photographs, her cries were silent though. She didn't want anyone else to barge in and see what she was given.

That night she couldn't sleep, not without those photographs replaying in her head. She had stayed up all night, fearing that someone could come in and take her at any moment.

She needed to act quick, they needed to find lil Ricky fast.

"Alexia you're late." Ruby said with an annoyed look.

"Sorry." She muttered and sat in the corner of Jasmines room. Once she got comfortable, Ruby had commenced the meeting.

"The 'it's all relative' results came in, we filtered 3,000 names by age, gender and birthplace." Ruby announced.

"Which left us with only the people that share Lil Ricky's birthday and whose names contain 'Ricardo' and 'Galindo'. That brought us down to four candidates." Jasmine added.

"Now Jasmine and I knocked one guy off the list and we found him on Facebook, which means he isn't hiding. The three others don't have social media." Ruby continued.

"Uh wasn't Chivo saliva supposed to tell us who exactly Lil Rocky was?" Monse asked confused.

Ruby exhaled, "you didn't read the notes that I emailed!"

"Uh.. what notes?" Cesar asked cluelessly.

"There's no time not to be paying attention at all times, the golden state killer was caught because a relative unwillingly submitted their DNA to a database, the police matched that DNA to a GSK crime scene. Now we had Chivos DNA, but no crime scene to tie to." Ruby responded with annoyance.

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