Family reunion

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"You got everything, jacket? Purse? Bags?" Ray questioned.

"Papa, it's the middle of summer. I don't need a jacket." Alexia laughs as she wraps her arms around her father. Ray reciprocated the gesture, pecking her forehead, "Remember, if shit goes south. You are coming back here."

"I know, papa. I'm gonna miss you." Alexia pouted her lips. Ray opened the car door for her while she slides in the driver seat.

"Please be safe, Mi Hija." Ray said with concern.

"I will, I'll call you when I get there. I love you." Alexia yells out as she backs out the drive way.

She couldn't believe it, her body was overwhelmed from excitement and yet nervousness. Two years, and she was going to see her brothers. Her knuckles gripped the steering wheel as she drove on the open road. Finally, she passed the sign "Welcome to Freeridge"

The very first destination she was heading to is her old home. She couldn't wait to see Oscar and Cesar, who knows what two years could have done for them. Did Cesar finally start growing his moustache out? did Oscar get any more tattoos? She could only imagine what they looked like before she left Freeridge. Since Alexia was a whole new person, a much more feminine type, she only hoped her brothers would like her change in style. Time changed her well, her bust had grown and her figure fit so well into her new clothes. Her hair was very curly and it fell to her upper waist.

Alexia pulled up onto the familiar street which the Diaz house is located on. A sense of nostalgia hitting her as she arrives at her house. Alexia contains her nervousness as she walks up the steps, her hand shakes as she knocks on her old door.

"Who is it?" A young but cold voice spoke, sending chills down Alexias spine. She knocked on the door again, footsteps were on the other side of the door in which was opened quickly. A young man stepped out, he wore a dark brown open flannel shirt with a white tank top underneath. Alexia gasped as she realised who it was, Cesar.

Cesar caught a glimpse of who he was face to face with, it was her beauty spot and smile that instantly made him recognise who it was, "It can't be." He whispered.

"Hey, Cesar." Alexia smiles. Cesar immediately steps forwards and squeezed her into a tight hug. Tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he pulled back, "How is this possible? I thought you were dead." Cesar asked frantically, his hands cupping her face, ensuring that it was actually his sister standing in front of him.

"I'll explain everything later, Mano. Where's Oscar?" Alexia peeks inside the house, only to find a group Santos lying around in the living room.

"He doesn't live here anymore." Cesar responded coldly. Her head snaps back at Cesar, "What, why?"

"He's not part of the Santos anymore, he has no business being here."

"You're not part of Santos still, are you?" Alexia asked. Cesar only looked at his twin with no emotion, "I'm running Santos, I'm the leader."

"What?" Alexia exclaimed, her heart stopped when hearing this.

"I don't want the lecture aswell, Oscar tried giving me one." Cesar said annoyed. She noticed how deep Cesar's voice became, it sounded so serious and rough. Her hand slightly raised to Cesars face, her touch somehow made him feel more calm. "Is this all because I left?"

"If you were alive all this time, you should've called me. Or yet send a message that you were okay, you ghosted me for two years, Alexia." Cesar said, his jaw tensed as he spoke.

"Cesar I really wanted to, but Oscar said I couldn't." Alexia said. Cesar's nostrils flared as he stared at his sister, "Oscar said you ran away. I was right, he did send you away. He probably took my money too, hijo de puta!"

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