Unexpected change of events

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"So what time are we meeting up? 7:30? 8:10?" Jamal asked as he watches Olivia and Monse sit down. Tonight was the school dance, Cesar was talking about this event for weeks to Alexia, Ruby had everything planned to the last minute and Jamal had already planned his outfit. It was unfortunate for Alexia as Oscar strictly forbid her from going to the school dance.

Alexia paces around the kitchen behind Oscar who was cooking. "But why can't I go?!"

"Because no one can look after you when you're in there, you don't know what boys are like Mana." 

"It's just a school dance, Cesar is going too so he can look out for me. As well as Jamal and Ruby."

"No. You're staying here." Oscar had finally made his decision. He turned around to a glassy eyed Alexia, as she attempts to stop any tears from coming down her face.

"I hate living here." She muttered while walking back to her room. Unfortunately for her Oscar had heard that statement, however he knew she was upset. He was going to let herself cool off before talking to her again.

"Look I'm just going to play by ear, I'm not feeling it." Olivia admitted, Alexia looks at Ruby and she could tell he was heartbroken by this.

"What, why?" Ruby asked confused.

"I'm not sure if I want to feel objectified. If I want to look at boners I can just go online." Olivia answered.

"Didn't you just hear principle, he said the dance was no a bone zone." Jamal corrected Olivia. Monse spoke up to. "Are you kidding? Dances are cesspools of bad behaviour, I don't wanna go."

Ruby needed answers, he needed to convince Olivia. "Yeah people get freaky, but what's wrong with getting freaky? I don't get it."

"Yeah explain to us Monse, why don't you wanna go? You seemed pretty excited about it this morning." Cesar also asked in confusion.

"That's because I remembered how lame dances are, and maybe we are just not in the mood." Monse explained.

"Oo is it your menses?"

"Her what?" Asked by a confused Olivia.

"Her lady pond has a runneth red." Ruby quoted.

"Lady pond?" Monse asked angrily.

"What, what am I saying wrong?"

"Everything!" Both the girls said angrily.

"You guys just don't know what it feels like to be a women and be treated like an object. We have hearts-"

"And minds, so take out in question if we're going tonight. The answer is no. With a period, because that's what is actually called." Olivia said staring intensely at Ruby.

"Olivia let's just go dine a less hostile environment, Alexia you coming?" Monse asked. However she only waved them off.

"You read my mind." Olivia answered and they both got up to walk away from the group. The boys and Alexia were shocked and confused.

"What just happened?" Ruby asked confused to the group. "Alexia, what just happened?"

"You know, maybe you should think about what you say before actually speaking." Alexia winced at Ruby.
Ruby only buried his head between his hands in defeat.
"You look beautiful Mana. You look like your mother everyday." Oscar complimented bluntly while hanging a necklace of a cross around her neck. It was a beautiful necklace, although it looked different compared to what the other Santos would wear, this necklace in particular was angelic and one of a kind. In which this was perfect pair for Alexia as that is what Oscar describes of her when talking to his fellow santo members about his baby sister.

Alexia only scrunched her face up when hearing the compliment. "You really think so?"

"Why would I lie?" Oscar asked rhetorically, his arms around wide indicating a hug from her.

"Don't be out too late, and please don't do anything stupid." He instructed, Alexia nodded and made her way out of the house while Oscar is standing in the room contemplating if he made the right decision to let her leave. It took him a while to convince that she should go to the school dance, Alexia asked a favour from Ruby to work his magic on Oscar. Whatever Ruby did, it worked. And now she is on her way towards Rubys house with her head up high and a smile on her face.

"You really let her go to the dance?" Cesar asked as he was putting his formal shirt on.

Oscar didn't look at Cesar, he just kept staring at the door. "I'm thinking about sending Sad eyes in there and watch."

"She'll be fine, I'll be there. She's a sensible girl. She's not like any other girl, she's harmless. You need to trust her." Cesar reassured him.

Oscar turned towards him, an emotion on his face that makes him looks so vulnerable. "It's not her I don't trust.". Unfortunately Cesar knew what he mean't straight away.


Alexia knocked on the Martinez residence however was shocked to only find Jamal answering the door and not Ruby.

"Hey is Ruby here, we are meeting tonight right?" Alexia asked.

"So you weren't the only one confused. He's not here, I've been here for hours talking to his Abuelita only to realise that he was not here all along." Jamal said truthfully. Alexia stepped inside to find Marisol on the couch.

"Oh mija come here, you look so beautiful." Marisol beamed towards Alexia.

"Hola abuelita. Are you watching dateline again?" Alexis asked while taking a seat next to her.

"Si, this Hamal has seen it too. We were talking so much about it." Abuelita laughed.

"And Rollerworld." Jamal quickly added. Alexia looked at him annoyed.

"Again?" She asked rhetorically. "Hey Abuelita has given me some handy information. I have true confirmation that it is real." Jamal defended while placing a chip in his mouth.

"Well tell me. And I'll see if it's real or not." Alexia challenged her, Jamal sat next between Abuelita and Alexia excitedly before recalling all the information that Abuelita had told him. He was going to convince this girl that he is not crazy, rollerworld is real and he will find it one way or another.

"We're not going to the dance are we?" Alexia asked as she watched Jamal getting comfortable on the couch.

Jamal informed her. "Get comfortable, well be here a while."

"Where's Alexia, I told Spooky I'd watch her tonight?" Cesar asked Monse.

"I'm sure she's fine, she's probably with Jamal." Ruby answered for Monse while looking at Olivia mesmerised in her dress. Although Cesar knew Alexia is fine, he couldn't shake off the feeling knowing she isn't here with him. Not for her sake but for Oscars, because he did not want to listen to Oscar giving him another lecture on why he didn't watch over the youngest Diaz.

"She's okay, she just texted me that they are with Abuelita at Rubys house. Should we invite her over and Jamal?" Olivia beamed while showing Cesar the text from his sister. Cesar looked around and saw the all the alcohol laying around, did he really want to see his twin sister get drunk and risk the lecture next day?

"Nah, she is much safer there." Cesar smiled , it was almost a relieving feeling for him. Not having to worry every ten seconds what his twin is doing and for once he can have fun for once, especially with the girl he loves.

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