Spooky lessons

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"You can leave the house today."

Alexias eyes widened as she sat up from her bed, she observed Oscars facial features to see if he was pulling her strings.

"I can go see my friends today?" Alexia asked.

"You're no longer housebound." Oscar shrugged, Alexia practically sprinted past him to the front entrance of the house.

"I'll be back tonight!" Alexia called out to him, Oscar shook his head as he watched her leave. He needed alone time, in which is why he needed Alexia out the house for a while. While he loved her dearly, she stressed him out too much that it resulted him to kick her out for the day.

Oscar went outside to sit in the front yard along with the other Santo members, a few of them were working out while others were talking with one another. However Oscar wanted to sit on his own, he got his portable chair out with a red bull in his hand. A moment of tranquility hitting him while he leans back into his chair and closes his eyes, blocking out all the noises around him.


Alexia quickly called Jamal as she sprint walks down the footpath, hoping to find someone she knows.


"Oscar let me out, where are you?" Alexia asked a little too excitedly.

"Well, we are at goodwill." Jamal said hesitantly.

"Why are you there?"

"I might have lost the money." Jamal confessed, which stopped Alexia in her tracks.

"What do you mean you lost the money!" Alexia yelled over the phone.

"Is that Alexia?" She heard Cesar over the phone, happiness instantly kicking in as she hears her brothers voice.

"Is Cesar with you?"

"Cesar and Monse, Ruby was meant to join us but bailed." Jamal answered.

"I'll come to you guys." Alexia said as she hung. Her sprint walking had now progressed into a sprint to get to Goodwill faster.


Oscar was in full relaxation, he couldn't remember how long he felt like this. It was a sunny day outside and the block was quiet.

He turned his head to the left as he noticed someone was watching him, it appeared to be Ruby. One of Alexias friend.


Ruby ignored him and continued walking. This however angered Oscar which resulted to shout at him, "Hey I'm talking to you!"

Oscar watched as Ruby turned his whole body to him. His face full of anger as he walked towards him.
Ruby kicked a crate that Oscar was using to support his legs.

"What?" Ruby demanded.

"Just wanted to check up on you, you good?" Oscar asked as he sat straight up in his chair.

"No, I'm not good!" Rubys voice raised as he got closer to Oscar.

"Yo chill out." Oscar defended, astonished by the younger teens confidence.

"That's all you got as you sit there in your dam throne? I got shot! And my friend who was the most amazing person I've ever known died because of you and because what what? Nothing! Nothing but some bullshit beef that means nothing. And that night won't stop playing auto repeat in my head, and everytime I move my arm- which is often because I'm a gesticulator, it kills! Further reminding me of that night, thanks to you so don't tell me to chill out!" Ruby screeched.

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