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"The bodys been ID'd. They know it's Cuchillos."

Officer Hammel had picked up Cesar to talk some sense into him. The gang had been called into the LAPD station for questioning as they were dropped off at the location that Cuchillos body was found. After questioning, they were all told they could leave. However, the police were not going to drop it.
Now, Cesar was back in the police car with Officer Hammel.

"Shits about to get real rough out here."

"For me, or for you? You're the one who worked for her." Cesar spoke coldly to Hammel.

"Technically, we both did. Look, I'm not here to argue with you. I'm.. trying to look out for you." Hammel tried to convince him. Cesar scoffed, not believing him. "You knew Cuchillos had Alexia that whole time, I tried to call and beg that you look for my sister. But somehow, your phone wasn't working. Coincidence. You haven't looked out for me in years. I'm good."

"You don't get it, Cuchillos was the umbrella protecting you Santos from getting wet. And with her gone, it's going to storm like never before... especially with the prophet$ trickling out of jail." Hammel warned.

"Hey, I'm not worried. They know their place." Cesar said before he got out of the car.

"You need to watch your back!" Hammel yelled out.

"Merry Christmas, Officer Hammel."


"This better be good."

"From Mr Martinez, with love." Jamal read out loud as he exchanged a gift to Jasmine on behalf of Ruby.

"Hmm, they're beautiful. But these aren't from Ruby." Jasmine smirked.

"Yes they are." Jamal lied with a fake smile.

"Ruby would never buy flowers in full bloom, they'd last two days max. He'd be throwing his money away." Jasmine stated.

"What about this super sweet note he wrote for you?" Jamal handed to her.

Jasmine gave him a look before reading the card to herself, "Aw, Ruby didn't write this. He never end his sentence with a proposition."

"Okay fine, I brought the flowers and wrote the card. But only because, Ruby is too lovesick to get out of bed, too pained to pick up a pen, let alone a phone to call you." Jamal tried to convince her.


"Yes! Every waking moment he's thinking about you. At night, he dreams of you. I know because I've heard him call your name in his sleep." Jamal mentioned.

"And why are you sleeping with him?" Jasmine questioned with a disgusted look.

Jamal's lip quivered before speaking, "Because.. Ruby can't sleep by himself anymore. I'm telling you, Ruby is truly, madly and deeply lovesick. I hate seeing him like this, it's driving me crazy-"

"Aha! And there it is, he's driving you crazy. The first honest thing you've said so far, that is why you're here! To.. foist him on me!"

Jamal scoffed at her accusation, "Foist? Me? A foister? How dare you."

"I don't have time for this, I'm decorating. So if you don't mind, my nativity scene isn't gonna immaculately conceive itself." Jasmine started to push him towards the exit of her bedroom.

"Okay fine, I'm foisting. Please take him back! I'll do anything." Jamal pleaded.


It was already in the afternoon and Alexia was at home helping prepare the Christmas eve dinner with Oscar and Isabel. Alexia never thought it would be stressful to cook with two other chefs, she always thought they miraculously had the same thoughts. But it doesn't help when there's three different chefs with all differing opinions. Not only was it giving her a headache, but Oscar and Isabel too.

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