Chapter two

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tw: descriptions of fear. Clear phobia, perhaps ptsd?

Chapter two
The king without a crown.


The morning begins with a shreik of lightning followed by the hoarse roar of thunder. My eyes jolt open and I hit my head on the headboard of my bed as I sit up. Lightning. That means there's a storm. Storms mean rain. Boiling rain.

I don't know why I'm so terrified of the premise. I don't know why my left hand is instinctively clutching my right one to my chest. I don't know why it's hard to breathe.

Its just a storm. Nothing to worry about. If I'm the Raven Watcher I can get through this easy.

In fact, it's stupid to get upset over a storm. What can the water do to me really? Yes, it is painful but I'll just stay out of it; or, I create a force field above my head, works better than any umbrella I've ever seen: it can't melt.

The light still holds a blue hue out of my window but I don't think im going to get anymore sleep. So, I haul myself out of bed and check my reflection in the mirror.
Do I really look that tired?
The circles under my eyes are the gray of smoke, my skin is blotchy and slightly paler than usual. I look sickly. Normally I'd use a consealment stone but no-one can see anything under my mask so there's little point.

I got little sleep last night, the golden guard got back from a mission very late and made a lot of noise getting to the library. I'm a light sleeper and I wasn't impressed by the lack of respect he showed for us sleeping residents so I decided to follow him. I needed to pick up a new book anyways, I was so scared my construction magic wouldn't work yesterday and i can't look the fool ...not again.
He was reading a book about wild magic, I'm sure he has his own reasons for this but I'm still confused. Wild magic is banned, the punishment for the practice: petrification. Right now though, i don't have time to be annoyed at the golden brat. I have to find out what tasks i have today.

I slap on my uniform - making sure to wrap my cloak as extravagantly around my shoulders as I can- before i step outside.

I'm faced with corridor after corridor. Living in a castle is great, if you like walking.
I don't.

I follow my ordinary routine and make my way to the main room where the important scouts are lined up.

(Heres how the coven works [in this story] the Golden Guard and Raven Watcher are often called out on missions by Belos himself but can partake in missions meant for the scouts ~The Raven Watcher does this in particular~ Lilith and kikimoria generally patrol the scouts and lead missions with them. Lilith is given a list of missions at the start of every day to pass onto 'important scouts' -basically scouts that are in charge of groups of scouts- to take to their squadron however Lilith is allowed to give lone scouts missions. Scouts without a mission end up doing guard duty)

I stand in my usual place, at the front of the line. I get the best missions this way, although I think Lilith rigs them against me, she's not a fan of the Raven Watcher ....Shame, I would... like to talk to more people.

The head witch walks up to us, her blue hair is flawless as ever without a strand out of place -I often wonder how much hair gel someone has to use to keep it that way- and she's got that familiar stubborn expression on her face.

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