Chapter nine

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Tw: major injury

Chapter nine
I'm only trying to survive.


Iwake up in a soft, warm bed. It takes me a few moments to take in the familiar surroundings, I can feel my pillow supporting my head, I can hear the familiar chattering of the boiling isles from my window. I'm safe, I'm home. My head feels heavy and for some reason I don't want to open my eyes. I could lie here forever, it's peaceful, I'm away from all my duties.

Except I can't. My memories come rushing back like a riptide, painfully all at once. I failed the emperor, he hurt me... I don't have the energy to panic, instead my head spins. I need to open my eyes i need to see what he did to me.

My eyelids flutter open and waves of nausea wash over me. The pain is too much. I feel vomit rise to my throat before I pass out again.

I'm not sure how much time has passed before I wake up again but this time I can hear other witches talking in hushed voices. I let one of my eyes open, my body seems to refuse to let me open the other one again.

"Raven Watcher?"

When I turn my gaze I see two figures staring at me. They're slightly blurred but I can tell one of them is Hunter from his signature owl mask. The other looks to be a nurse of some sorts.

"What can you see? Are you alright? can you hear me?" Hunter asks, frantically.

"Don't bombard them with questions, Golden guard." The other voice says.

I shift upwards, sending another wave of nausea through me. Hunter stands in the corner, his cloak hangs around his shoulders and with the hood down I can see his ashy blonde hair. I can sense the urgency behind his movements, they're all too fast.

"He is right though, what can you see y/n?" The nurse asks.

I look around my room, it's too much to take in. Everything is far too bright and even thought its familiar it takes me a while to recall everything.

"I can see my room," I mumble, "my mask, Hu- the golden guard, you..."

"You're doing really well y/n. Now I want you to close your right eye and answer the question again." She says, softly.

It's stupid because i still can't open my eye but i close my right one anyways, "I can't." I say stubbornly, for all my words I'm still confused as to why the eyelid won't budge.

I hear a muffled 'eek' of panic before the nurse shushes Hunter. "Just tell me what you see." It's a stupid question. This is dumb just heal my eye already for titan's sake.

"I see darkness..." I stop because I don't see darkness, or at least not from the eye that won't open. It's more like an absence. There's nothing there, but then there is. Fuzzy shapes and colours, sparks of bright light. I can't see anything else. I can't see Hunter, I can't see my room, I can't see that stupid nurse.

Why can't I see...?

"Uh- what's going on?" I mumble, pulling the blankets closer to my chest. I'm fully sitting up now.

"Everything's going to be alright y/n..." The coven witch says.

Everything isn't alright I can't see. What in the name of Titan is happening to me? I look up, staring in the vague direction of Hunter, I can only see a golden blob where his owl mask should be, the rest of my vision is black.

"Why- why can't I see?" My words bubble out in a hysterical laugh. My hand is clamped over my other eye, as if I'm trying to save it from the same fate as this one.

"I'm not going to lie to you y/n, you had a very bad injury that has caused some permanent damage. Hopefully you'll be able to regain some vision in your right eye but currently you're facing some sort of half-blindness," the witches has a soft voice but it doesn't make her words any easier.

Half blind...

Belos did this to me.
Belos hurt me on purpose he- he- he wanted me to suffer he wanted this to happen.

I don't want to be here, no, I can't be here anymore. I shove the blankets away from me and shakily get up, I'm wearing a yellow jumper and some pajama pants which is an outfit I wouldn't have chose. I feel like I've been asleep for more than a day, how much time has passed? How long have I been like this?

I take a few steps, ignoring the "Hey what are you doing?" before my legs give way beneath me and I fall to the ground.

"Um- y/n you're not ready to get up yet. We'll have you fit for missions and everything explained in a few days for now you need to take a break." I can barely hear the voice. Instead tears begin to leak from my eyes (eye? I can't feel the other one). Both are open now, my vision is almost split. On one side its dark and fuzzy and on the other I see everything clearly. It's very disorienting.

I try to pull myself back to my feet but everything feels very heavy and I can't bring myself to leave the ground. I feel my eyes slowly close, I can't even tell if the left one is open or not it's just as dark as it was before. Im so tired... It's so wrong, so so wrong. I just woke up I shouldn't be like this. I should be doing missions with Hunter or pushing Kikimoria down the stairs. I shouldn't be lying on the floor like this, unable to move.

I feel a hand on my back, it's slightly hesitant, I can tell from the gloves that it's Hunter. "Come on y/n, you need to get back up. Then you can go sleep, okay?"

I nod even though it hurts, he helps me to my feet and I stumble back the few steps I took, leaning on his shoulder. I sit back down on my bed and he sits next to me as Bonnie explains again.
This time it sinks in.

"Your eye has been badly damaged to the point that our healing magic hasn't been able fix it properly. We will keep checking up on you however you're probably not going to regain the vision in your left eye." Bonnie says, a nervous hand behind her neck.

Never regain my vision?
For some reason I'm angry.

Why have I had to go through all of this? First I can't use my hand for weeks. Then Belos decided to do this to me.

Oh thorns... Titan, Titan, Titan I'm not going to be able to see out of my eye. Titan, Titan-

I feel an arm around my shoulders, I tense for a second before I relax into the half-embrace. "It's going to be okay y/n," Hunter whispers.

I wish I could believe him.


1196 words

A/N: sorry for the short chapter. I've been really ill recently lol! I'll post a long one next week to make up for it.

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