Chapter eighteen

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Chapter 18
Steve talks about cats for four hours

(Lots of p.o.v switches in this one, sorry about that)

I saw the humans again today, the older one with the ashy hair and the younger one wears a mask of a stag. The younger one took his brother to the town square. He showed off his victory, the witch's cloak had fallen off and laid in the dirt, it was singed, half burnt, a few streaks of dried blood stained the ethereal fabric.

I watched as the elder brother picked it up, he stayed there for a long, long time. He wouldn't move from the spot, not even when his younger brother left to skim stones in the stream.

"I'm sorry..." the elder brother spoke, hugging the ragged cloak to his chest, "I didn't mean for this to happen."


Belos wasn't pleased when I told him about the titan's blood. He shouted at me then he sent me away.

I went to talk to Y/N about it but they weren't there so I went to my room and started reading.

Now I can't focus on the pages, the words are blurring together and the ink is fading into the paper. Flapjack ~ he told me his name ~ pulls on my hair strand, I think he's telling me I need to put the book down. I'm getting worked up over this, I shouldn't have gone to Eclipse lake, i shouldn't have let the portal key get cracked.

I have that horrible feeling again, the one that reaches right into your chest, the feeling of wanting to go home -even though I'm already here..

Flapjack sits down by the window and I have to close the book. Everything feels like it's sinking right now. I disappointed him again. I always disappoint him.

I have to get out of here, I've decided. I can't stay here anymore the air feels too solid.

"Hey flap," I mumble, the cardinal opens a bleary eye and stares at me. I know im not meant to have the palisman, but y/n has one and frankly- uh- I'm sure it's fine... "Fancy a walk outside the castle?"

He nods so I scoop him into my gloved hands and carry him outside. Eventually he flies up to my shoulder as I make my way outside. It's cold and dark, another starless night. Clouds cover the moon so it's pretty much just darkness.

I cover my nose with my cloak and walk away from the castle. Far, far away until I can't see it behind me anymore. Then Flapjack turns into a staff and I fly away.

The oxygen may be thinner up here but I can finally breathe.

Then I stop because I see y/n walking around bonesborough.


After the Eclipse lake fiasco I decided I had to find the Blight girl. I remember from a while ago- when I went to get recruits from Hexide, that she seemed very excited at the prospect of the emperor's coven. I'm not sure what I wanted to say to her but I followed them back.


The owl lady casts me an uncomfortable gaze, she definitely doesn't want me to be a part of this group, none of the others do. They're hesitant. Really, really hesitant, I'm following behind them and there's nothing they can do. No one has spoken to me or even really acknowledged me.

The mask of the raven - Hunter x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora