chapter seven

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Tw: major injury, abuse

Chapter seven
an eye without its beholder


''You know why you're here I trust, y/n?" The room is large, I'm merely an afterthought to the large throne in the center. I would feel insignificant if every eye weren't on me.

"Yes," There's no denying it. I don't think I've ever felt more fear. My legs could give way beneath me they're shaking so hard. An anxious pain bubbles in my chest.

"Tell me what happened with the Oracle eye and do not lie. If you do your petrification will be promised."

My first mission wit the golden guard was not how I had expected it to be. For a while I had thought that he was older than me but it was obvious from the get go that he was around my age. He was more agile than the average adult but as clumsy as a child. His voice too wasn't one of a grown man. I didn't speak much, I didn't want him to know anything about me.

There was a cold wind battling the heat from the boiling sea. Lilith had heard word of a group of wild witches trying to steal the oracle eye. The object wasn't as important as the Oracle sphere so no-one was really worried about guarding it. Even so, Emperor Belos wanted only his best workers on the mission.

Even with the title 'Left hand' I'm still surprised I was chosen to go. I remember being annoyed to have been paired up with the golden guard. It was very different then, our walk to the boiling sea, where Lilith had last seen the witches was silent and tense. We were terrified to mess up, we knew how important this was to Belos. It was an asset to the oracle coven.

When we found the wild witches, we didn't know what to do with them. There were so many, all over the beach. I can still remember the way my feet sunk into the sand, the same way I fell into a sinking pit of despair. I still remember how the air seemed to become colder.

The witches were wearing the uniform of coven scouts, but they seemed like tack, fake, cheap... How this had gone unnoticed. There must have been twenty altogether, hidden in the trees. I remember Hunter tensing behind me, we didn't extange any words, we just acted.

Hunter went first, with his golden staff, and I followed behind him, sticking to the shadows. He allowed them to spot him, circling the air. I was the hidden weapon, he was the distraction.

A few of them went after him, some scarpered thinking more scouts were on the way. There were several left by the boiling sea. The moon was slowly rising, casting purple shadows on the dark sky mirroring the purple of the oracle eye. It was there, right within my grasp.

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