Chapter eight

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Chapter 8
petrification and friendship?


I didn't mean too. I honestly didn't mean too...
I wasn't expecting Uncle Belos to hurt y/n, I knew he would say something but in all honesty I had no idea the oracle eye was no longer working. I know it was their fault it broke but i can hardly blame them for this.

I had to bring them to the healing coven again; they had blacked out by the time I called Bonnie, I had to carry them... Their eye was stained dark red by the end of things, it clawed down their face in a massive gash. I haven't seen anything like it, other than when the scars on my face were fresh.

Bonnie tells me they'll be alright; although, it will take them a couple of weeks of recovery at the least. To be honest I'm at a loss right now, I trust my uncle. I do not understand why he'd do such a thing. He did this stuff to me of course but it feels so much worse seeing it happen to someone else; physically, I'm repulsed.

As days go by, y/n hasn't woken up. I hate to say that I miss them, i miss reading in the library with a shadowy yet familiar figure beside me. I miss going on missions with them, I miss just talking to them.

Maybe however it's a good thing they haven't yet woken up. Belos hasn't been happy. His rage caused him to capture the human, Luz I believe her name is, on her school field trip. I don't know much about her, just that she's under the owl lady's protection. Lilith used the human to bait the owl lady to us and we caught her.

Finally. The owl lady has been on our radar for years now. I'm glad she's captured, I'm glad that uncle belos is going to petrify her. Y/n will be excited when they find out I know they don't like her much. I have so much to tell them, books I've read, missions I've been on... This is all stupid they're not my friend, a couple of missions and a few heartfelt moments doesn't make us close like that. But they said they trusted me and no ones really said that before. Besides other than Belos I've never really trusted anyone. You know what hey, they may not consider me a friend but I've decided they're certainly mine.

Waiting in the crowd, my eyes are on one spot in the room, the large stage below me. The owl lady should emerge any moment... any moment...

A fizz off chatter slowly dies down as the lights dim and rising from the surface a large pillar. Upon it, a rearing gray beast screams in agony. She rests in a glowing cage, yellow eyes downcast, accepting her fate.

"Well folks, Eda the owl lady has appeared on stage which means the petrification process is about to begin." A news reporter commentates, I would have preferred to watch in silence. Now I'm excited, it's finally time for the owl lady to meet her justice...

Lilith? The owl lady's pet. My eyes widen as I watch the situation unfold, even as some children witches take over commentating, "Let Eda go, let eda go."

Why is Lilith in the cage? I can't handle this why hasn't Uncle Belos told me of this? I need to diffuse the situation somehow. My cloak marks my exit in a whirlwind of fabric as I dramatically make my decent down the stairs. I retreat into the castle and race through the rooms.

I come across a door, peering into the large room, "I may have lost, but so have you." The voice of the human, pain to my ears, emerges from the room. I push the door slightly, watching her rise to the stage, and Belos... He holds a briefcase that promptly lights on fire before I can take a look at it.

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