Chapter twenty nine

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Chapter 29
Labyrinth Runners


I wake up before Hunter does, his head resting on my shoulder, I gently brush it off, tucking a strand of his ashy hair behind his ear in the process. We have been at hexide for a good few days now, and food is becoming scarce.

Ugh, I can't wait for this all to be over, after the day of unity -I asked Hunter about it and he still hasn't given me a proper answer...- we can finally have a normal life.

"Flapjack?" The cardinal twitters fustraitedly at having been woken, "If I'm not here when Hunter wakes up tell him I'll be back soon."

I better not say where I'm going- I don't want to worry him. Or would that worry him more? I don't know.

I slip under the 'cation tape' marking the old drama studio as closed, and into Hexide. It's covered in students, a web of people like a swam of moths, I'm lucky I still have the hexide uniform from that doomed recruitment mission, but a concealment stone doesn't hurt the disguise.

I sneak into the cafeteria, wincing because of the onslaught of witch's voices, and join the lunch queue. This brings back memories of the emperor's coven- I guess they weren't bad memories, since Hunter was with me through most of them, but I still view them that way.

When i finally make my way to the end of the queue I'm forced to accept whatever slop the school lunch is serving, to be honest it's probably the best food I'll have had in days. I don't have many snails left, my money bag jingles weakly -way to show off my wealth.

I bought some extra food for Hunter too, we'll split it... It's actually been difficult recently, we don't know where to go and are wiped clean of allies. At least we have eachother i guess-

My ears prick up as an intercom rings out, "students, please join me in the gym for an announcement."

I roll my eye- does the concealment charm show two eyes? does the other eye 'roll?' or follow my real eye's movements? am I overthinking this?- probably.

I'm pushed forwards by the other students and to avoid suspicion i have to release my catch- the meal- with regret, and follow them into the gymnasium.

I've probably been gone a long time I hope Hunter's okay-

"Ew someone forgot their deodorant"

I cringe internally, ignoring the jeers of the student's, there aren't any showers at hexide- and wait with the rest of the student body. Everyone's tense, clearly there's been no forwarning of a meeting-

That makes me wonder, is this a common occurrence, or should i be worried about something?

"Students, teachers-" the principle of the school begins to talk, I'm shoved around by several of the other students trying to get a closer look and bite back any angry retort i may have for them, "let me introduce the esteemed..."

"Please principle bump, i deserve no accolades," Oh titan I know that voice, "hello everyone, my name is Adrian graye, head witch of the illusionist coven."

I snort a laugh, and a few students stare at me. Adrian Graye looks worse for wear; his face is unshaven, his hair is a mess, he looks as if he hasn't slept for days. The Adrian Graye i met was all for appearance, he wouldn't be caught dead in this get up. Whatever sick joke is being played on the students, it's humiliating.

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