chapter five

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Chapter 5 (pt.2)
A guarantee of success


We walk through the snow covered mountain. I'm beginning to regret my uniform not having any warmer clothes but the boots are helping somewhat. Of all places it's fathomless why the wild witches would be meeting here, at the Knee. It's too cold to handle.

I know a few bard spells, mostly whistling tunes, that would keep my body temperature high but the sound would just draw attention to us. So we walk, in uncomfortable silence.

It's not that I dislike the golden guard or I wish I weren't paired up with him on this mission it's just that our last mission with the Oracle eye failed, he had to save me from the owl lady and he had to fly us here. I wish i could do something right for once.

"So-" The golden guard begins to speak. Why is he speaking? We cant afford the wild witches to hear us. That makes me realize that I have no idea where we're walking too nor any idea where these witches are. Full steam ahead I guess. He silences for a heartbeat, he has spoken without thinking of what to say. Funny. This is awkward for the both of us. "You're always in the library, what sort of books do you read?"

Why's it always about books with him?

"Mostly textbooks. You know how important it is for us emperor coven witches to know everything. I mean we've been honored with learning all types of magic." I stop speaking when I notice he's dragging his feet. Not exhaustion, but disappointment? I don't question it.

"So you're good at... every type of magic?" He asks.
On one hand, I could lie and tell him that I am amazing at everything, on the other I don't want him to think I'm a Mary Sue.
"Uh-," most coven scouts are adept at everything, it's unfair i wish i could be like that. I've worked so hard, I studied so long and im still lacking. "No. I'm pretty good at illusions and bard magic. I like plant magic so I study that. I've never been good at construction magic or potions. I can't heal anything without instructions and I've never had a vision of the future. I pretty much suck I can only do four types of magic and even then it's only illusions that I'm good at." It feels good to finally get this off my chest, but i still feel horrible with myself and my abilities. I need to be better. I can't disappoint Belos, not again.

"You know," The golden guard hums after some consideration, "not many people in the coven can do all types of magic. You're not alone. Sure some, like Lilith," he says her name with some agitation, "are great and amazing and wow look at me I know how to enchant all your socks so they go missing," he waves his hands in the air and feel myself smiling. "but that doesn't mean we all have to be perfect. Heck, I don't even have-" He stops.

The snow crunches beneath our feet, soft and silent. His words hang in the air and I wonder what he was going to say. Sometimes you have to leave things unknown. Clearly he doesn't want to tell me and thats fine. I'm still curious though.

"Hey Y/N," he says, ive noticed he talks a lot, "Why did you tell me your name?"
That's an interesting question. Partly because it's out of the blue and partly because I don't really know the answer myself. As the Raven Watcher I'm meant to keep it private. So why did I tell him?

"You helped me so I wanted to show that I trust you. Wasn't much of a thank you but I hope you get the idea." I mumble, I feel heat rushing to my face from the embarrassment and thank my stars I'm wearing a mask.

We keep walking, whilst I'm focused on the conversation I'm also worried about these wild witches. We're talking, drawing attention to ourselves and probably scaring them away. I need to get him to shut up.

The mask of the raven - Hunter x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang