chapter thirty one

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Chapter 31
coven heads?


To be perfectly honest I wasn't expecting to be interrupted by a bunch of screaming hexide kids during my first ever date.

Hunter jumps up, golden guard instincts kicking as he reaches for his staff, flapjack transforming before our very eyes. He accidently elbows me in the forehead on the accent, and i rub my head with my hand, the headache from a few days ago comming back.. It's actually been doing that a lot recently these past few days, I'm not sure why.
"Ack, sorry y/n!"

Vix crawls onto my shoulder, comming to my defence. I nod to Hunter, and together we kick the door down, Hunter raises his fists, screaming-

And of course, there's nothing on the other side.

"Let's be strategic about this, the screams are coming from downstairs-"
"and your mouth"
"yes and that. Okay so we'll sneak downstairs  and scout the perimeter, unless we figure out what's going on. Then we corner them and- I don't know, we'll figure it out as we go along," Hunter's voice cracks slightly.
I nod.

Pulling a face mask up to his nose (I'm not entirely sure where he got it from), Hunter makes his way down the coridoor. He checks around the corner then gestures for me to follow.

I creep down the coridoor on the tips of my toes, silently as possible. My teeth clench as we walk down the set of steps. The screaming has stopped now, but the fact is it was there. If anyone's hurt... No, no we'll get there in time.

My footsteps quicken, and I practically fly down the stairs.


I won't let anyone get hurt again. Hexide was supposed to be our Haven, I want it to stay that way.

I don't scout out the perimeter, I head straight towards where the sound came from, behind my I can hear Hunter teleporting, desperately trying to keep up.

I slam open the doors to the gymnasium, heart racing, adrenaline screaming. I choke through the oxygen, and take everything in.

The large room is scarse with about five students, including Willow and Gus, and Principle bump. But the most surprising thing are the coven scouts - and Darius.

Someone behind me wheezes for breath, Hunter lowers his mask, staring through magenta eyes at the scene around him.

His eyes narrow, and before I can do anything Hunter's after them. He raises his staff-

"Wait" It's the c.a.t.s. It's the C.A.T.S, they came to find me. I'm not alone-

Well i will be if Hunter kills them all. It's incredible how soundless he can be, like a dancer walking on clouds.

He's behind them before I can even blink, acellerating from the ground with his staff outstretched, a spell already forming, facing Darius. Abomination goo easily snatches him from the air, pulling him to the ground.

Then a wall of the same disgusting substance pushes me forwards until I'm standing next to Hunter. My whole body does a weird shudder; I can't get the memory of it off of my skin, it feels like it's still there. I brush off my arms, wincing.

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