Chapter four

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chapter 4 (pt. 1)
the first mission

Hunter p.o.v

Yesterday Y/N game me a frog. I'm not entirely sure why, is it cursed? Is it damaged? Do they just not like it? I don't know, I've never really been given a gift before. Other than my staff of course. I could never be more grateful to Belos. He gave me magic where I had none. He says that's gift enough which is why I don't really get anything from being golden guard. I don't need anything though, i have a home, i have magic, I have food I have my uncle I have everything I could ever want.

I'm also going on a tangent about a frog. It's actually really cute, which is... cool.

We were informed of a human in the boiling isles as well yesterday. Apparently Darius had seen her with the owl lady, he had to help Warden Wrath with the aftermath of his mission. I do feel a little bad for y/n after they had to get that crown for no reason and it turned out badly.

I keep thinking about them. I really really really want to be their friend which sounds really stupid for a sixteen year old. I don't really care. I've never really had a friend- I keep saying that. Stop it. Stop sounding desperate.

I let out a breath. It gets hard to breathe sometimes, when I think too much, when I'm afraid of things. I don't really know how to stop it.

Today I'm supposed to find some more palismen for uncle Belos but I've asked Lilith to put some scouts onto that. I've got so many books to finish and so little time to finish them. I have to hand in my wild magic books soon, or someone might get suspicious.

I still need to finish them, i need to find something to help belos with. I've been searching so long I have to find something soon.

So I go back to the library and keep reading. The words begin to blur on page like a fast flying bird. I'm exhausted.

How much sleep have I actually gotten?

As I skim through the pages I find I have to reread paragraphs, they're not sticking in my brain.

I think I got about six hours overall.
Thats pretty good for four days.

The words blur into one another.

My eyes slip close...
I can't stay awake.


It's always the library with the golden guard. He's always reading about palismen or wild magic. Admittedly, I wasn't expecting to find him dead asleep sitting in a chair at five in the morning. He's slumped over a book, mask half on, but none of his face is revealed, and his cloak is slipping from his ears. You can tell he's asleep from the slow rise and fall of his chest that he's sleeping.

I don't usually wake up early, I suppose my day off yesterday was refreshing and gave me some energy or something. So when I realized I had some time before missions start I decided to head into the library and study some more magic.

Abomination, construction, what to study today. I take a glance at the golden guard, he seems peaceful I wouldn't want to disturb him. I am however curious about the wild magic books he was reading. He's been so engrossed in them they must be somewhat interesting.

Palismen searchers
Palismen: the powers within
The secret of the palismen

All the books have some sort of textbook title. What interests me is that they're all about palismen. What is it he is looking for? What's so interesting about palismen?

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