Chapter twenty seven

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Tw: panic attack, mentions of physical abuse

Chapter 27
I've found my home, where is yours?


Racing, running, sprinting... anything anything to be out of this place. I should have realized, I should have realized. Why didn't i realize? I don't know where to go. Anywhere, anywhere away from here.

My feet are stumbling over tree roots, my eyes aren't seeing the forest straight, I can't hear anything other than my ragged breathing and these endless, wailing thoughts. I don't know how to shut them out. He knows I was in there, he knows we were in there.

He killed the other golden guards...
All. of. them.
And he's going to kill me next.

Why didn't i realize? All the evidence was there, I should have guessed after he tried to petrify Y/N, after he took their eye, after.. Maybe I did realize, that's the worst thing. I realized when he scarred my face, I realized when he tore my ear, i realized when he broke my arm. I was a kid, I was a fucking kid. But I couldn't accept that because if I did who would I have left?

Now I have no one.
My uncle has left me for dead, no, my uncle wishes I was dead. The coven heads, Darius- Eberwolf- they're with Belos.
And y/n- I betrayed them when I didn't listen. Why did i have to tell them the truth, now I'll never get over it.

I keep running because he's behind me. I can feel it. He's there, just a few steps away, reaching out with a green, clawed hand- Faster, faster, I'm not fast enough.
Those same words replaying in my head: "I should have realized.."

My foot catches on a tree root and I fall to the ground. There's the taste of metallic blood in my mouth and I spit it out, trying to free myself of the disgusting taste.

He's caught up, he's right there. I can see it, his hand reaching towards me.
No, no, no, I'm not ready to die. I haven't even apologized to y/n yet. I- I can't do this anymore. I can't breathe.

"Leave me alone, haven't i given you enough already?" I try to say the words but they fall flat in my throat, emerging as a choked sob. My hands are shaking, my thoughts are too loud, everything feels numb. I slam my hands against my head and dig my palms into my ears, trying to block them out.

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe

"Hunter- Hunter can you hear me?"

Belos, it's Belos. Im back in the castle, I've failed another mission, he's going to be angry again. My eyes snap closed, shutting him out. I don't want to talk to him..

"Hunter... Can you try to breathe for me?"

Someone's talking, but I shut them out. I have to reason with Belos, I have to show him i can be useful, im not expendable, so he doesn't get rid of me. But- but I've failed too many missions and I've breached his trust and... and I'll never go back because I'll never forgive him.

"I don't know if you can hear me but-" there's a voice but it's very faint, very distant, and the sound of movement, "you're okay now. Belos is gone, and i promise I won't let him find you ever again. You're safe now."

My eyes slowly blink open as the words echo around my mind, "you're safe now."
I'm able to inhale oxygen again, and after a while breathing doesn't seem as difficult.

Belos isn't here. It was all in my head. I know who it is, before they announce themselves, it's always come down to just the two of us. The golden guard and raven watcher against the world.

They're sitting next to me, in an outfit that must once have been fashionable but now is ripped and muddied from the earthy forest floor. They lean against a tree, humming to themselves, or maybe to me, but it's rather quiet.

"Y/n-," I don't know what to say to them. How can I express how sorry I am? How can I gain their trust again? How-

Their arms wrap around me and the world goes still. My heart beats too fast as I wrap my arms around them in turn. We sit there, with our arms around eachother, the only two people left in the world.

"Hunter, I'm so sorry i left you there. I never intended for it to get this bad. I wanted to go back for you- i really did. Im sorry i didn't try hard enough i-" They're speaking too quickly, their face is tear stained and they've clearly wanted to tell me this for a while. I realize i don't care.

"Y/n-" Titan is this a good idea? I stop there flow of words, "you have nothing to apologize about. If anything, im sorry I didn't go after you. I'm sorry I left you out there..."

Their dazzling e/c eye locks with mine. Titan, they look stunning-

"Hunter," they pause, contemplating their words, "I know this is an end of the world scenario and this is definitely the wrong time but- can i kiss you?"
"what-" My mind blanks in shock. Maybe because I had been considering asking the same thing- They clearly misunderstand my response. "S-sorry I-" they begin to speak again, trying to backtrack on their words.
So I stop their words, by leaning forwards, and closing the gap between us.

I don't know how to describe a kiss, but from the beating of my heart, and warm, happy feeling in my chest, and the fact their lips taste of apple blood, I realize I've been waiting for this for so long.
It's perfect.
I never want this moment to end.

1018 words
A/N: Apologies for a short chapter, not entirely sure what happened i just knew i needed to clear up the carnage of hollow mind. And this became an important chapter somehow.

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