Chapter ten

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Chapter 10
A ship in a bottle


"Uncle Belos- sir, it's far to early for them to go on a mission. They still haven't recovered its not fai-"

Emperor Belos glares at me through icy blue eyes, I shudder.
"Their injury was unfortunate... Hunter, but accidents do happen. Besides, if The Raven Watcher is out of work for too long people will start to notice and we don't want people to think that they're missing do we?"

Under my owl mask, I'm frowning. There's nothing I can do about this, y/n has only been recovering for around a week now but apparently the killing the selkidomus is more important then their health.

"Yes sir," I mumble and wait for Belos' permission to leave. I traipse out of the room and drag my staff with me. I get to Y/N's room and knock on the door.
"Come in," I hear a hoarse, exhausted voice mumble.

I open the door to the small, box shaped room where y/n sits at their desk. They've got used to missing an eye now, but half their face is coated in bandages. It's strange actually, I've seen their face... Their h/c hair, e/c eye. They were kind of attractive... But thats besides the point, and uh- definitely not something I'd admit to anyone. It's just it seemed wrong to see their face. We wear disguises for a reason and Belos doesn't want us to break his rules.

Y/n however seems fine with keeping their mask off now and to be honest I don't care either way.
"Oh- hello Hunter," they close the book they're reading and move it to the side, turning slightly to face me. They're wearing a f/c hoodie and slippers.

"Hey y/n-," I laugh awkwardly and cringe at how stupid i sound, "Emperor Belos has ordered us to go on a mission today. We need to hunt down a selkidomus. He's got us a ship and.. a crew?"

It's silent for a while as I try to make the situation seem more enjoyable. Their e/c eye seems to cloud over for a heartbeat, "of course. Anything for the emperor."

Well I'm unnerved but they are right.

We walk down to the docks in the late morning, the sun beating down on our backs. Y/n has their Raven mask on but it's tilted slightly off their head.

Y/n walks onto the ship and forces me to talk to the crew whilst they locate the captains quarter. I roll my eyes at the prospect of talking to them.

Turns out we don't have to do much, I bribe them with a few thousand snails totally real snails I'm not broke- and they'll kill the beast for us. I just hope they won't hold this against me when they don't get their share of the bounty.
(ik this didn't actually happen but I thought it would be funny)

I find y/n in the captain's quarters, staring at the boiling sea from the large window. Their mask is off, unsurprisingly, placed on the desk. I still find this weird.

"H-hey y/n," I mumble, sitting on the plush, blue seat next to them.
"Hunter," they nod.

I open my mouth, about to say something when i hear a noise from outside the ship. I relent and get up, dusting off my cloak, and saunter to the opposing window. It's the human. Luz, I believe she's called. The one who freed the owl lady.

The captain nods to me as Luz walks onto the ship, I guess we're having a human salior. At least this will be a good report for Belos.

The mask of the raven - Hunter x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora