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"Now kiss already!", I said trying to break the tension between the both of them as it was getting on my nerves.

"Shut up Shubman!" Ishan said with red creeping up his face.
It's not possible that he also likes Mayank.
No, it's not possible.
Is it?

"Umm...will you leave Mayank or should I?" I said getting tired of the deafening silence between them. It wasn't even a soothing silence, it was freaking awkward for heaven's sake!!!

"I'll leave, take care Ishan, and talk to mee if anything ever bothers you sweetie, I'm always there to overexplain to my little overthinker.", said Mayank ruffling Ishan's hair and getting up with a flashy smile.

Such a romantic couples moment.
But it felt unsettling. I don't know why.

I shut the door as Mayank left and went to rest beside Ishan on the bed.

"Do you like him?" I couldn't help but ask. I just blurted it out. It was weighing on me so much, probably because of my curiosity.


"Do you like Mayank?" I repeated emphasizing every single word while still feeling the hopes of the lingering touch of Ishan's hand in mine.

"Of course... I mean he's my closest friend, how can i not like him...?"



"Leave it, let's sleep. You've had a tough day.."

"Wow Mr.Prince, all caring all of a sudden lol" he said chuckling slightly.

His chuckles are contagious.
I laughed as well.

We slept.

Neutral POV-

Things started becoming regular and not really messy.

The boys would go practice, come have some laughs together, stuff like that, and also, Ishan and Shubman went from the title of toomies to friends.

Well, that's progress.

It happened when Shubman got an injury on his knee while trying to catch a ball with already a quadricep muscle strain.
And oh, he fell.

Ishan rushed to his side, he had developed some friendly protectiveness for Shubman. Shubman didn't break his trust, and he helped Ishan with his emotions, was kind and listened.
That's all that Ishan needed in his friend.

So, when Shubman fell, Ishan couldn't help but feel worried for the latter. He helped Shubman up, and even if Shubman was saying that this was just a scratch on his knee which would probably heal in just 2 days, Ishan was adamant that he needed to visit a hospital and needed rest.

Shubman felt the warmth of home and comfort confiscated in his new and probably only close friend. To Shubman, Ishan was close. Ishan probably had no idea.

Shubman now knew why everyone adored his friend, he was homely, he literally and practically did bring warmth to days of gloominess.

After such incidents, they became close. Close friends. Ishan shared everything with Shubman. Shubman couldn't resist listening to his stories.

They were like broken pieces of a puzzle fit together but still trying to look for more pieces, rhey probably didn't know, these two were the only ones made for this puzzle. No outsider. No one else.

But time has its own plans.

We can mistake pain as love. So did Ishan.
Ishan thought he loved someone. Now. And he was about to tell that to Shubman today night. Well, Shubman will recieve two shocks today, first that Ishan liked men in more than a 'liking' way and the second that the person he loved (or so he thought) was Mayank..


Guys can I say you guys are so sweet and supportive, like I genuinely felt so much of warmth from your lovely wishes for my health and exams.
I'm in the clouds with your kindness. Thank you so much! My eye is better but it does get watery very often.

Along with this, i would like to say to you that you take care of your health as well, you guys are enough okay.
I love you all so much.

Adios my loves.

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