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Ishan left the room and was jumping in excitement and nervousness. It was the first date of his life.

It better be good.

He was waiting outside their building in the park area.

He was waiting for Mayank.

7:15 pm
Opened his pouch and did some touch ups.
7:30 pm
Looking at another block where Mayank's building was.
8:00 pm
Should I go to Mayank? Outside his apartment?
8:30 pm
Yeah, I should just call him.
That wouldn't be rude right?

Ishan called Mayank.

That didn't sound like Mayank. Who was this guy!?

-um hi.. can I talk to Mayank?

-no...sorry..he's a little busy right now.



Ishan could practically feel his heart stop.
Who was that guy? Where was Mayank? How could he ghost Ishan like that?
Ishan was left empty. And numb. He didn't feel emotional or sad, the only emotion that he was feeling right now was a dull anger.

Ishan, all dressed up, in the empty park, whose eyes were filled with sparkles two hours back, were now replaced with tears.
Tears of anger.

Ishan wanted to punch Mayank, the moment he sees him.

Curled up on the grass, with no light, in the centre of the park, he plaved his head in his knees and cried. Cried to no end.
All he felt was anger and frustration.
How could Mayank, disappoint him like that? Did he not care at all?
Did he take me for granted?
Did he?

Ishan was sobbing. It had been fifteen minutes now.
He was shaking now.
It was getting cold. It was December afterall.
Ishan was sobbing like there's no tomorrow. He just kept shedding tears. He didn't want to fave the world.

Fast footsteps.


Oh shit. Shubman.

"What are you doing here Ishan!? In this state!? What happened baby!?"

Ishan didn't want to face him. He kept sobbing.

"Ishuuu..?" Shubman's voice broke. He held onto Ishan but his heart shattered seeing the sight.

Shubman went out for a walk, he felt heavy in his chest for some reason. Usually he would go to the balcony, but it's almost like his heartstrings guided him to Ishan.

When he saw a shadow in the park curled up, his first thought said it was Ishan. But he shrugged it off saying to himself what would he be doing there.
But as he got closer, his steps turned into a run, and in a flash of a second, he was holding onto Ishan while trying not to cry seeing Ishan in this state.

His throat went dry.
Shubman feared. Feared that he couldn't protect his Ishu. He felt resentment towards himself and Mayank.

Of course it had to be Mayank! Mayank and him went on a dATe right!? That fucker!

Shubman sat patiently even though his heart ached and he wished he could get all the answers.
He wished to burn and destroy anything that put Ishan in this state.

Shubman was rubbing circles on Ishan's back and holding onto Ishan.
Ishan was now clutching on Shubman's hoodie and sobbing.

His sobs were just slowing down when-

"Ishan.......?", came a voice which made Ishan furious. Red. With anger.


AYO how are you guyszzzz?

Umm well this is just the beginning, i plan to finish this book in like april...-ish...

What's your favourite recipe guyzzz, any healthy OR Tastyyy recipes in tha townnnnn?

Adios for now

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