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"Aaaaa.." said Ishan lightly as he ate finally. Wow, the food was good, he shouldn't make it his enemy.

Shubman fed the entire plate to Ishan like that.

And yes, how could you forget, Rahul side eyeing them.

Also, Yuzi walked in on them, um eating, hehe, and how could he not snap a picture of it!
And also make a videooo!
And also post it in the group chat!

Shubman and Ishan ate, well, more like Shubman fed the both of them, and then Shubman asked Ishan to follow him to the room and they should rest before evening practice.

Ishan didn't like the idea as he wanted to see Mayank. He didn't know why he felt unsettled meeting that boy.

He didn't feel jealousy, just sadness. And more than that, he felt guilty, he felt guilty as to why he wasn't there when his partner, Mayank needed him. He couldn't bring himself to even apologise to him.

He wanted to feel the pain, pain for Mayank but he couldn't and he blamed himself for it.

On the other side, in Mayank's room-

"Do you remember when you kissed me in the parking of our school and a teacher saw!?"
"Lol! It was hilarious!"

"Uh..yeah...it was, just, you know, impulsive..."
"..but you should have seen your face!!"
"..red as hell lol!"

"Yeah.." Aarav felt embarrased now. He knew he had to break the awkward glass of tension between them, somehow.

"Hmm..", Mayank responded as his memories with Aarav flashed before his eyes, the way he had carried his Aarav when he fainted seeing blood in the science lab, the way they snuck out of their class once only to study for the class test the next period, the way Mayank was wrapped around his finger at all times.

It had ended badly.


"Aarav, you know I love you!"

"I know but does that matter when our families won't agree!?"

"I could care less about anyone's opinions Aarav"

"Even your family!?"

"For you...yes! I fucking could!"

"Mayank that's what I am afraid of! I never wanted to put you in a situation where you had to choose between me and you family. But even if you could (sob), you know, (sob), choose me.. I can't, I don't think I ever could (sob).."

"Aaru, please don't " Mayank was now broken into tears, his breathing had become rapid. The thought of loosing Aarav scared all the monsters in his head.

"We cannot give up now Aarav! I fucking love you! I will die without you Aarav!
"Please..please..please please please.. I BEG YOU Aarav!!!"
Mayank kneeled down his head bent and him shaking while holding onto Aarav's sleeves.

Aarav sobbing fell down and was embraced in Mayank's company.

It was Amavasya, the darkest of nights, it looked like the moon who had witnessed their love was ashamed to face them today.

They cried the entire night only for Mayank to wake up without his Aarav there.

'Khushiyon ka zamaana beet gaya..
Hum haar gaye gum jeet gaya..
Yun rote hain do deewane..
Bedard zamaana kya jane..'

(The era of happiness has faded away..
We lost and misery has won over..
Two souls in love are crying..
How will this cruel world understand?)


Guys my finals are going on, yesterday was organic chemistry! It went sooo well🥹! I might top! But yeah, I'm loving my academic comeback era!

Also guys lemme just thank you all for your patience and love, literally it means so muchhh to me!!! I love you all from the heart of my bottom!


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