Why Am I telling you all these???

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Josh, sincerely said, "Let me drop you."

Josh walked alongside her, but she quickened her pace without uttering a word. Her countenance remained impassive, her gaze fixed straight ahead, a subtle shield to conceal the turmoil within.

Josh walked by her side. She walked faster without replying to him. There was no reaction in her face.

Somewhere Josh felt protective "Let me drop you off in the car. Your dorm is just 5 minutes away, and please don't walk in this state."

Shivi turned to cast a stern stare in his direction, eyebrows furrowed in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment.

Josh pleaded, "Okay, don't talk to me; just let me just drop you. I can't let you walk. Please."

Shivi agitated responded "My bones are not broken. I can walk. I have been menstruating since the age of twelve. It's not a big deal."

Josh let out a sigh and said "Yes, you can walk, but I can't let my girl walk, knowing she is bleeding heavily. I have seen how much blood you're losing."

Embarrassed by his remark, Shivi's fury escalated when he referred to her as "my girl." Her heart pounded heavily as he uttered those words. She stopped walking and looked at him with questioning eyes. "My girl?" she almost gasped saying that.

Josh let an audible sigh, "I mean my friend."

Shivi, exhausted and devoid of energy to argue any further, was also deeply embarrassed that Josh now knew about her menstrual cycle. While for an American, it might not be a significant revelation, for an Indian girl raised with certain cultural norms—where entering the kitchen was prohibited, sleeping on the floor, staying away from the temple, and sitting in a corner of the house during menstruation are ingrained practices—she felt overwhelmed with shame.

Despite this, she couldn't deny that Josh had proven to be more than a gentleman. He had rescued her, akin to a knight in shining armor. Sometimes, girls do not need grand gestures like big engagement rings or big fat weddings; a simple display of affection can thaw their hearts like ice melting under the sun. With Josh being not just hot and handsome but also sensible, she found herself figuratively melting under the warmth of his gestures. The internal conflict between cultural conditioning and personal experiences, complicated her emotions.

He parked the car outside a fast-food joint and got her a sandwich and chocolate milkshake.

Josh muttered to himself, "Chocolate will help."

He knew she hadn't had dinner. He knew she wouldn't have the energy to venture out again. He knew she was losing blood. He just... just knew he had to take care of her. Maybe she was not actually delicate, but he wanted to treat her like she was delicate. He wanted to really treat her like a princess. Spoil her. For the first time, she felt like revealing his identity. He wanted to smother her with gifts. He wanted to take her to expensive places. He wanted to give her every luxury under the sun.

Josh: Damn, I really love this girl. I want her no matter what. I'll even have a sword fight with her Indian parents to have her.

The attraction was inexplicable; they hadn't even been intimate, but he was certain he was in love. This was entirely the opposite to the casual relationships he had seen in the States.

He dropped her off at her dorm. Neither spoke. She avoided looking at him, avoiding those big, mesmerizing green eyes. At this vulnerable moment, she refrained from saying anything that she might regret later. Her body language conveyed reluctance and introspection.

Entering her room, she locked the door, leaned against it, and slowly slid down to the floor. She realized it was good to be away from him, knowing there was no future for them together. A heavy sigh and a defeated posture reflected the weight of her emotions.

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