The Golden Sunset

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Shivi generally goes to Meenakshi temple, which is almost 40 minutes from her university. She visited once a month, and her company would usually be Sidharth. Sidharth and Shivi started to have quite a good rapport because of the travel time up and down, and eventually, they started sharing things.

It was a Saturday, and both of them left for the temple. In the temple after darshan, they sat down, and Sidharth began to express his concerns towards Shivi.

Siddharth: So, heard Josh beat up your so-called prospective groom.
Shivi began to look into the other direction, trying to avoid eye contact.

Siddharth asked “Shivi, can I ask you something?”

Shivi nodded, wondering what Sidharth was going to ask, as his eyes were genuinely concerned.

Sidharth with a serious face quizzed, “Shivi, how do you see me?”

Shivi confused about his question asked “What is this question? You were asking about Josh, and now this?”

Sidharth insisted her to answer his question again “Tell me, Shivi. How do you see me?”
Shivi smiled as she said, “Sidharth, you have been a good friend to me. You are someone close to home here. I can trust you and speak to you openly without being scared you will judge me.”

Sidharth nodded “Fair. But do you know how I see you? I am 3 years older than you. I see you as my little sister.”

Shivi’s eyes turned from a curious look to a serious look as she was trying to understand the depth of what Sidharth was saying.

Sidharth let out a sigh and said “I understand your parents are controlling, and a guy like that Dinesh, yeah, Julianne told me everything. You shouldn’t marry a guy like that Dinesh, even if he is the last-standing man on earth. But that doesn’t mean you should choose Josh. He might be nice to you, maybe a really nice person, but do you think if you ever have a relationship with someone like him, it will end up in marriage? I am not blaming them; they see marriage in a different way than us, Indians. Back home, if someone is in love, the last stop in their relationship is definitely marriage, at least for 90% of people. But these people have a different perspective than us. They date, for a long time. Will you be able to date him for years together without knowing where it will go? How will you convince your parents about this? Culture, tradition, food, dressing sense, there are 1000 things different between you guys.”

Shivi shrugged trying to avoid the topic “Sidharth, you are thinking too much.”
Sidharth leaned forward, his expression turning earnest, "Exactly. I am asking you to see the other end of the tunnel before you venture into something like this."

Shivi closed her eyes momentarily and spoke in a defensive tone “I know all this, and I would never try to do something like that. I have been telling this to myself over and over again.”

The lines on his forehead creased as he continued, showing the depth of his concern for Shivi's well-being “Why are you telling yourself? What is the need to remind yourself of all these when you already know it? Do you like him?”

Shivi’s facial expression changed, and she was trying to hide her feelings for Josh, yet her inner turmoil was clearly visible to Sidharth, “Well, I didn't expect that, and you know, right, he also has feelings for you. In fact, he confessed to me that he loves you.”
Shivi was shocked to listen to this. She didn't know how to react. First of all, she didn't want Josh to feel this way, and on top of it, she didn't want Sidharth to know all these, as she didn't want anyone else to know what was happening in her life.

Sidharth's voice carried sincerity and concern, "See, I have no business in your life. Probably I should never be talking about all these; it's your personal life. But I have a sister too." As he spoke, his eyes softened, conveying a sense of shared understanding.
He continued, leaning back a bit but maintaining an engaged posture, "I am not able to be silent after seeing all these. You have fought so much to be where you are, and please don’t lose everything for a guy you don’t even know for not more than 6 months." His gestures were subtle, indicating a delicate balance between expressing his worry and respecting Shivi's autonomy.

He concluded with an apologetic tone, "I am really sorry if you think I have invaded your privacy by talking about your personal stuff." His expression held a genuine remorse, understanding the sensitivity of the topic at hand.

Shivi with tears shining in her eyes said “Yes, Sidharth, I kind of like him, but I am aware of everything you just said. I have already made up my mind not to give in to any of his advances. I knew he liked me but didn't expect him to be open to you about this. Thank you for being there and showing affection to me like I am your sister, but you need not worry about me. I became a little weak because of my family scenario, but I have pretty much cleared up my mind before you even spoke.”

A subtle smile creeped over his face, and he said, “Well then, I am proud of my sister from another mother.”

Shivi just gave a smile. She knew it's not going to be easy for her to move on from whatever feeling she had for Josh. She tried not to think much about the feelings she had for him because she knew if she questions herself, her heart will favor Josh, which she didn't want to.


As Shivi delved deseper into her academics, achieving excellence in her semester, her dedication intensified. She devoted 110% of her effort to have less time for thoughts about Josh. Having not spoken to him for more than 6 weeks, she felt a sense of resolution. Josh, too, seemed to accept the situation, and she assumed the butterflies that once fluttered inside him appeared to have settled. As she settled into bed, thoughts of him lingered in her mind.


A few days later, Shivi walked hand in hand with Josh on the deserted beach with white sand, the waves seemed eager to steal her away. They stood there watching the golden sunset. His firm grip on her hand conveyed a sense of possessiveness. Turning towards her, he gently held her shoulders and confessed, "Baby, I love you so much. I never want this walk with you to be over. I want to hold your hand like this all through my life. Baby, please say yes to being my girlfriend."

In the enchanting moment, she happily nodded, and their lips met in a passionate kiss. His fervor and desire were evident as he devoured her soft, pink, delicate lips. For Shivi, it was the experience of her first kiss, savoring the sensations his lips created. The dance from her upper to lower lip and back conveyed an intensity that made her think about discarding her rulebook into the fire. Reflecting on the passion of that single kiss, she realized it had the power to reshape her entire perception. Had he kissed her with such intensity from day one, maybe she would have willingly accepted him as her boyfriend long ago. This single kiss had the power to spin her off her axis, leaving her yearning for more. Now she didn’t know if she wanted him more or he wanted her more......

Breaking the kiss, she looked into his eyes and whispered, "Make love to me."
Josh, surprised by her request, exclaimed, "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

Shivi, holding his face with both palms, huskily responded, "It’s a one-time offer. Before my brain starts thinking about my Indian parents or values, take me. For once, I am letting my emotions as a girl take over my logical Indian brain. So, before I could start thinking of all possible reasons to say no to you and your love, make me yours completely…. make me yours forever."

That was the last thing he wanted to hear. He took her right there on the beach. He made love to her. He was filling her with more and more love. She screamed “I love you baby” She never knew love and lust are not much different if both are towards the same person. It was impossible not to fall for those green eyes. She was feeling the heat both externally and internally. She closed her eyes and screamed “Josh” as she shattered. He gently patted her shoulders, and she opened her eyes to find a pair of brown eyes staring at her.

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