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Ghost was in Urzikstan. Same old shit, different day kind of mission. He and a couple of European Task Force operatives were positioned in three locations, scoping out a building on the edge of a small remote town. The building was suspected to be the base of operations of an emerging terrorist group of interest.

They had little information to go on, so the re-con was to gather as much intel as possible of the group members movements and what deliveries and visitors they had. 

Ghost was thoroughly bored. He wanted to be somewhere else, i.e. in the thick of the action. He didn't want to be sat on the roof of a dilapidated building in some remote desert town, "watching fucking bricks", as he put it.

The two other operatives, he barely knew but they had been working on getting intel on the group and tracking them, before he'd arrived. Ghost listened with vague interest, to their rambling over the comms. They were obviously feeling the same boredom as him. 

Their comms were suddenly interrupted by a quirky American female voice, surprising the three men.

"Hey boys, how you doing this beautiful night?" the woman greeted then in a bright lively voice.

"Who the fuck are you and why the hell are you on this channel?" Ghost barked in anger.

"Chill  Lieutenant Ghost man, just a little Bee buzzing around. Just checking in cos I got some info you might like" Bee replied.

"Hey Bee. Sergeant Boggs here. You worked with us in Belarus on the trafficking racket. How you were able to get access to their network still blows my mind." He replied cheerfully.

"Hey Boggsy. Hope you guys are good. That was a wild mission, man" Bee responded enthusiastically.

"Can you both just shut the fuck up. How the hell did you hack our channel?" Ghost growled.

"That's a serious allegation Lieutenant. I'm offended. I just thought I'd drop in and say hi and let you know that the guys in the building you're watching are planning a big boom on market day this Friday" Bee replied quite nonchalantly.

"Wait, what? How the fuck would you know that? No , nevermind that. Who are you and why the fuck am I even listening to this shit?" Ghost barked, his anger rising.

"Now now Ghost. First, I have been privvy to some info. One of your targets has a big mouth and second, I just thought I'd save you guys some leg work" Bee said more seriously.

"Why the fuck should we listen to you? You're a bloody hacker" Ghost asked angrily.

"Ghost, Bee's great at finding intel. We don't ask where it comes from, cos it usually checks out" Boggs protested.

"Thanks Boggsy. You're a sweetheart " Bee replied cheerfully.

Ghost could feel his anxiety rising. He was already pissed at having to sit out here watching this house, but now this shitty re-con was being hijacked by some mouthy hacker.

"Right, shut the fuck up both of you. Bee, I don't care who the fuck you are, get off this channel, now" Ghost ordered angrily.

"Okay, fine grumpy ass. Just keep an eye out for the Friday market" Bee said before going silent.

Ghost pinched the bridge of his nose, wishing away the headache that was starting to emerge. It had already been a long night and he was tired and fed up. The rest of the night was thankfully uneventful. After a couple more hours, with no activity, they were finally heading back to base. Ghost was just looking forward to having a shower and falling into bed.

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