Kentucky (Part 5)

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Three Days Later

Becca spent the morning writing up a report for a short contract, checking over her intel and conclusions for further investigation, before emailing a link to the folder on her secure cloud server. Glad to be done with the investigation and to have had a distraction, she grabbed a coffee and headed out to the porch to relax and look over her plants.

She pottered around the garden, poking and prodding plants, doing some weeding, anything to keep her worry about Ghost at bay. Becca always felt at peace in the garden, no matter if she was doing the dirty jobs or the fun jobs. 

She'd struggled to concentrate since she'd last heard from Ghost. She knew that this was going to be a tough mission with potential high stakes and equally high consequences if it went badly. Becca knew that with tough missions, there would be debriefings and god forbid, dealing with injuries, so knew it could be a few days before she heard anything from Ghost.

She'd gone to message him a few times over the last couple of days, just wanting to hear that he was okay, before she would 'have a word with herself' and put the phone down. Becca scolded herself for worrying too much and that she was behaving like some lovesick teenager, desperate to hear from her crush. He would be in touch when he could. 

Thinking back to her conversation with Laswell, they'd discussed the implications of going after Foster and his associates. This wasn't going to be an ordinary mission. These guys knew the special forces play book and had been working the system for years. They were not going to go down easily.

Becca shivered as she recalled the warning that should the mission fail and Foster gets the opportunity to run, they would all be potentially targetted. Going afer a US General was a major taboo, even a corrupt one. 

The fallout, whether the mission was a success or not, was going to be felt by anyone involved. Laswell cautioned Bee to be expecially careful of who she had contact with in the coming weeks, not to trust anyone and to ensure that she distanced herself from the mission. Foster's contacts within the military complex and with the South American cartels, made him an extreme threat.

Becca couldn't afford to take any chances, so the contract she'd just completed would be her last for a while. She had taken the warnings seriously and had immediately checked over all of her security systems and her weapons cache. She'd bought extra provisions and ammo incase she had to hunker down and stay off the radar longer. Reminding herself that she had kept herself and her home secure for years, brought a slight sense of calm and reassurance that she was going to be okay. 

Becca realised that the implications of the team's raid could potentially mean that she would have no contact with Ghost for quite some time. The thought brought her a strong sense of sadness, despairing that it could be some time before she would see or hear from him again.

Despite the man's gruff exterior, Becca's affection towards him had grown in the time she'd known him. Becca hadn't had positive experience in relationships, but since Ghost had started coming to the cottage, she'd realised that the impossible had happened. She'd fallen in love with him.

Not wanting to dwell on potential danger and cause herself more unneccesary stress, Becca finished up her work outdoors and went back into the cottage to fix herself some dinner. While eating, she sat reading secure intel discussion boards to see what her fellow analysts were up to. Most of it was random snippets about who was doing what, who was pissing off who. 

Becca scoffed in disgust as she read, "I swear, you're all like a bunch of old women"  she mumbled, scrolling through the posts.

With her worry still on the surface, Becca started searching through posts in the hope that she would get some news about the mission and anything to do with the people involved. Although she was a little surprised at first, that there had been no mention of the joint raid on the warehouse in Georgia, she reminded herself that this was probably deliberate due to the sensitive and complex nature of the mission. 

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