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Two Months Later

Ghost was in Prague, tracking a target of interest for Laswell and the CIA, Albert Lacroix . He was a financier who'd gone on the run when Laswell and one of her teams raided a large drug running conglomerate, operating between the US, South America and Europe. 

Laswell had given Ghost very little to go on. Intel on his background, sources of income and main associates, was vague at best, but from what Ghost had seen so far, the man appeared to have lots of contacts. Intel secured from the raid had him right in the middle of the operation, with him providing the majority of the funding and overview of decision making.

Despite laswell's agents locating Lacroix, he had disappeared as soon as word of the raid had reached him, prompting him to flee the country. Interpol had him resurfacing in several cities, before arriving in Prague, where Laswell suspected he had a property and other contacts. Ghost's mission was to follow and apprehend him for interrogation, before he had the chance to disappear again. 

Despite Ghost's tracking skills, Lacroix was proving to be a slippery little bastard, flitting from place to place to evade recognition and capture. Laswell assumed that he was aware of the CIA and Interpol tracking him and was on high alert. Ghost had managed to catch wind of Lacroix from an informant in Prague, allowing him to finally have eyes on the man. 

He had followed Lacroix to a large town house on the outskirts of the city and was keeping watch, ready to move, in case he decided to run again. It was late at night and Ghost suspected his target may be staying put for the night. He called in his location to command and got himself comfortable on a roof top across the street.

Ghost had been sitting for over an hour, with barely any movement from the house he was surveilling, when his comms crackled with static. Puzzled by the noise, he was quickly given an answer when a chirpy American voice came over the comm.

"Hey, Ghost man" the familiar voice chimed.

Ghost rolled his eyes and sighed, "Jesus Christ. What the hell do you want Bee?" he said annoyed at the intrusion.

"Don't be rude Ghost. How you enjoying Prague? Got some info on your little French ferret" she replied chuckling.

Ghost huffed in annoyance but found himself smiling a little at her apt description of Lacroix. The little bastard was just like a ferret "Out with it, then get the fuck off my channel " Ghost demanded.

"My my, someone's a little grumpy" Bee said cheekily.

"You've already tested my patience, don't push it" Ghost warned, feeling a headache coming on.

"A little birdy tells me, your ferret has pissed off his boss in Switzerland. They've got people out looking for him. You've got some competition Ghost" Bee explained.

"Shit, who's the boss?" Ghost asked with a sigh, knowing this was going to complicate his mission.

"Klaus Berghoff, billionaire philanthropist and suspected Dr Evil. Word is, Lacroix was using Berghoff's money for the deals and he's pissed it's gone south. He wants his money back" Bee said quietly.

"Your birdy tell you why Lacroix is in Prague?" Ghost asked, hoping to get some advantage.

"The location you're at, is registered to a Charlotte La Pen, apparently an old flame of Lacroix. She's visiting family in Bordeaux. I suspect he's using it to lay low. He'll know Berghoff's men will be after him, so he's gonna be desperate for a way out, so don't expect him to hang around" Bee suggested.

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