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 2 Months Later

Bee was working a three week contract at Caserma Ederle in Northern Italy. The base being the headquarters of the Southern European Task Force (SETF). She had been called in on short notice to work intel and tech on an upcoming mission, since her predecessor had been taken ill. Bee wasn't one to normally travel at short notice, but she'd enjoyed working at the base before and had a good working relationship with the base commander.

After two very productive weeks on the base, she had impressed herself with the amount of work she had gotten through. Pulling long days, mind you, but an achievement just the same. Bee loved her little office, espcially since it had the most up to date tech she had worked with (outside of her home office) which made the long hours effortless.

Finishing off her latest intel report for the base commander and emailing it, she grabbed her cup and headed off to the mess hall to get some lunch. Bee could speak fairly decent Italian, and although most of the base staff spoke excellent English, she took advantage of the opportunity to brush up.

"Buon pomeriggio, sergente, che delizie avete per me oggi?" (Afternoon sergeant, what delights do you have for me today) Bee tried with her best attempt at an Italian accent.

"Ah, signorina. Abbiamo del risotto salsiccia e peperoni" (Ah, miss. We have some sausage and pepper risotto) The sergeant replied with a wide smile.

"Sembra delizioso, grazie" (Sounds delicious, thank you) Bee replied with a satisfied grin.

Bee found herself a quiet table by the side of the hall and sat down to eat. She had been sitting for about five minutes when she heard a loud voice cut through the noise of the mess hall. "Well if it isnae wee Brave". 

Bee looked up from her meal and saw a beaming Sergeant MacTavish and Sergeant Garrick from the 141 Taskforce walking towards her with trays of food. Bee could see the other soldiers looking over with interest and talking excitedly amongst themselves. She knew full well, that the 141 were often seen as legendary to regular soldiers and giggled at them gossiping.

"Soap and Gaz right?" she greeted them with a grin as they sat down across from her.

"Aye lass, we're no that hard to forget, ur we Gaz?" the Scotsman responded with a laugh.

"Good to see you both in person. You guys here for the mission to the Slovenian border?" Bee asked with interest.

"Yeah, SETF asked us to come in and provide support for the mission. You assisting us with intel on this Bee?" Gaz asked obviously excited about the upcoming mission.

"Yeah, been working the intel for a couple of weeks and have some digital backup planned for the mission" Bee responded smiling.

"Brilliant. I'm still waiting tae see you wind up Ghost" Soap interjected with a cheeky laugh.

"Ghost is here too?" Bee asked, feeling happy at being able to see the man again. She hadn't heard much from him for two months as he had been engaged in several missions. "Wait, why would I wind up Ghost?" she asked, suddenly catching up.

"Asked him whit ye were like and he said, and I quote, she's mouthy, unpredictable and gave me a bloody headache" Soap said in a good mimic of Ghost's voice, laughing hard.

Bee almost spat out her food, laughing "Yep, that's true, but he forgot to tell you I was reckless and impulsive. Grumpy bastard" she said covering her mouth as she realised she was being loud.

"Who's a grumpy bastard?" a low gruff voice asked from behind her.

Bee spun around in her seat sporting a sweet smile "Ghost, speak of the devil" she teased as Gaz and Soap tried to contain themselves. Bee was aware of several tables now staring at them.

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