Zurich (Part 2)

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Before long, Bee pulled up outside the apartment block and lifted up her laptop. Ghost looked at her puzzled. Sensing his question, Bee answered "Sorting the security cameras, no-one sees us arrive then".

"Think of everything, don't you?" Ghost said, actually feeling more impressed with the young woman, despite himself.

Ghost managed the short climb up to the apartment with little help and was relieved to be back inside. Bee ordered Ghost to the bathroom, practically dragging him there, much to his annoyance. Bee grabbed her medikit and ordered him to remove his clothes.

Ghost glared at her "What the fuck? Don't you tell me what to do, I know what I'm doing. I don't need your help" he barked.

Bee stood back, hands on her hips "Okay Mr, how you gonna get to the back of your head and your shoulder, smart ass?" she pouted at him.

Ghost knew she was right, but he was pissed he'd need her help. "Fuck off" he barked.

"Fine, go at it, do your worst. God damn stubborn bastard" she scoffed.

Ghost stopped sharp hearing the hint of a strong southern accent and watched the young woman turn to walk out. "Fine, I can use your help. Just ......quit ordering me like some fuckin child" he gruffed.

"Okay, my apologies, Sir. Could you please take off your gear and shirt so I can check out your injuries?" Bee said sweetly.

Ghost looked at her suspiciously. "You're a pain in the arse". He scoffed.

"You already told me that" Bee joked smiling and chuckling causing Ghost to huff in annoyance and shake his head. Bee was taking items out of her medikit and putting on gloves, ready to help.

"You know what you're doing?" he asked cautiously.

"Yes, I trained as a medic" she replied confidently.

Ghost gently removed his gear, but was struggling with his shirt as shrapnel had pierced right through to his shoulder. "Can I help?" Bee asked tentatively.

Ghost looked at her and seeing a genuine look on her face, nodded. His shirt off, Ghost braced himself as Bee put her hand on his shoulder to assess his wounds. "Ok, looks like you have a couple of pieces of shrapnel. I'll remove them and irrigate the wound", she explained starting to work.

Ghost flinched a little as Bee removed the shrapnel, but strangely, the warmth of her hand on his shoulder as she steadied herself, was reassuring and grounding him. Bee finished cleaning the wounds and informed Ghost that she would start suturing the cuts.

Ghost was actually finding her gentle touch and soft voice soothing and relaxing, allowing his mind to calm and quieten while she worked. "When did you train as a medic? Did you ever serve in the forces?" he asked in a soft voice that surprised her.

"No I never served. I requested training some time ago, probably about ten years". She explained.

"Hmmm, training? What else did you train in, little Bee?" Ghost asked intrigued.

Bee paused looking at him, "That's classified" she said with a cheeky wink.

Ghost chuckled "Fine keep your secrets. I'll find out" he said grinning under his mask.

Finishing the sutures on his shoulders and placing a dressing over the area, Bee tapped Ghost's head "Afraid the mask has to come off now". She said prodding.

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