Kentucky (Part 1)

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 3 Weeks Later

The proverbial shit had hit the fan. Ghost, Price and a small team of operatives, had descended on a remote compound on the North Carolina state border, with the intention of breaking up a weapons smuggling operation. However, not long after they'd arrived, it had become obvious that they'd been expected.

The team had been ambushed, leading to a fire fight and the team being split up, scattering in different directions. Price sustained a hit to his thigh, dropping him to the floor. He frantically scrambled for cover behind an out building, calling to Ghost that he was down.

It took a few minutes for Ghost to find him, immediately checking the wound and wrapping it with a dressing to stem the blood flow. "Bastards knew we were coming, Ghost" Price stated angrily.

"Tell me something I don't know. You called for emergency exfil?" Ghost asked while checking his weapon and counting what ammo he had left.

"Radio's fucked, put the call in Ghost" he responded.

Ghost called through his radio for the emergency extraction and a medic on standby, only to be told a clear 'negative'. 

"What the fuck, send the evac now, command" he barked into his radio.

The response was "Negative, you're on your own".

"Bastards, they set us up Price" Ghost called out, thoroughly pissed off.

"Any word from the others?" Price asked wincing in pain as he righted himself to check his weapon.

"Negative, tried several times. Nothing, no response. Assume they're down" Ghost replied, looking cautiously around the building for contacts.

"We're on our own then, Lieutenant. What's the call?" Price asked reloading his weapon.

"Spotted a helo on the north end of the compound. Suggest we head there and get the fuck out of here" Ghost responded with a huff.

"Roger that. Help me up, son and lets get going" Price responded.

The two men slowly made their way round the compound, Ghost supporting his Captain as he hobbled. They managed to get a few hundred yards from the helicopter before catching enemy fire.

Ghost checked how many grenades he and Price had left, two. "Right, lob these at those bastards and I'll cover us" Price ordered.

Ghost threw the grenades in quick succession, Price laying cover fire, giving them a slight window to get to the helicopter. Ghost helped Price get in before jumping into the pilot seat and starting up the helo.

They barely had a few minutes to get in the air, before they had enemy fire targetting them. Price fired back as Ghost manoeuvred the helicopter away from the hot zone, a few bullets hitting the side of the helicopter.

Finally a safe distance from the compound, the two men breathed a sigh of relief. "We have a full tank. Where to, boss?" Ghost asked.

"Can't go back to the bastards at command, so head North West. There's an abandoned compound off the Ohio state line. If we can get there, have a breather and decide what the hell this shit show was about" Price ordered.

Ghost plotted the course North West with the coordinates, checking the terrain, hoping to stay under the radar where possible. About an hour into the flight, Ghost looked at the control panel in front of him "Shit" he exclaimed.

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