Ukraine (Part 1)

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Two Months later

Over the next six or so weeks, Ghost kept his promise and checked in with Bee weekly, via messages and phone calls, when missions allowed. He was pleased to hear that she was still her cheeky, chaotic self and wasn't showing any further issues after her experience in Austria.

Ghost rejoined Captain Price, Gaz and Soap on a mission following a drug and weapons smuggling operation, involving multiple countries. Despite three successful raids under their belts, they were no closer to who was funding the operation or who the goods were being shipped to.

After following up some leads from the raids, they'd been able to locate only two trucks, one containing heroin, in Argentina and one containing weapons in Ukraine. The two missions had provided them with a mountain of intel detailing the local operations, but nothing that pointed to the bigger picture.

After consulting with Laswell after their latest debrief, Price sat with his team in an temporary office at on a base in Ukraine. "Laswell has her hands full with an international counterfeit ring, so she can't provide us with any support. However, she has recommended a tech specialist that could offer us backup remotely. She'll be joining us for a video conference in at 1300 tomorrow" Price explained, feeling more positive that they could move forward.

Ghost's eyebrows raised under his mask at the suggestion "This tech specialist have a name, Price?" he queried.

"Her name's Bee. Don't have a file on her but Laswell says she's worked with her before and had successful results" Price clarified.

"Bee? The lassie that's gonna help us, is called Bee?" Soap snorted, unable to contain his laugh.

"We had Bee help us out in our mission in Bucharest about six months ago. She got us a shit ton of intel for the target we were chasing. Don't know how she managed to get it so fast, but we weren't complaining. Got us our guy" Gaz added cheerfully.

"Ghost, you had any contact wae the lassie on yer travels?" Soap asked of his superior, knowing the sheer amount of missions he took on.

"Affirmative, worked with her on a few missions. Intel and digital access" Ghost replied bluntly.

The other men perked up with interest at this snippet of info.

"Right, well rest up tonight lads, we'll have a briefing session tomorrow and gather up everything we have. We'll have plenty for her to start on before we plan our next move. Right, bugger off now" Price said waving them out of his office.

Next day, the team worked extensively gathering their intel and were able to narrow down what focus they needed Bee to take. Afterwards, they sat relaxing in the mess hall, in the small compound they'd been allocated.

Ghost sat looking through some new paperwork that Price had passed on, while Gaz and Soap chatted together at the dining table.

"Cannae believe we've got a wee lassie helpin us Gaz, wonder if she's a looker" Soap mused.

"You've got a bloody one track mind Soap" Gaz scoffed in response.

"Come oan, ye cannae blame me efter looking at aw your ugly mugs for the last three weeks" Soap protested.

"Soap, Bee is a contractor. She is joining us remotely to do a job so you can get that talk out your head" Ghost responded bluntly.

Soap folded his arms and scowled at the lieutenant.

"You've worked with her Ghost. What do you think of her?" Gaz asked eager to learn more about their new team mate.

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