New Life (Part 3)

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Three Months Later

Becca was now into the last month of her pregnancy and was really feeling the strain of a rapidly growing baby bump. She was blessed to have remained fit and healthy throughout and there were no issues with the baby, however, she was feeling extremely at odds with her ever blossoming body. 

Becca had always been on the curvy side, but now it felt like she was going to pop if she didn't stop getting bigger. She was having to borrow Simon's sweatshirts and hoodies as hers were now way too small. Her pants no longer zipped up over her massive bump, so she was living in sweatpants.

Preparing to get dressed after her shower, Becca looked over her underwear clad reflection in the mirror and let out a loud huff. "What's wrong love?" Simon asked from the bed behind her.

"I look like a god damn fully grown hippo, that's what's wrong" she huffed again in annoyance. "Your son is gonna be a big lump like you Simon". Simon let out a chuckle from behind her, prompting her to grumble in protest.

Simon walked up behind her, putting his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. He gazed lovingly at her reflection in the mirror. "I think you look gorgeous love. Still can't keep my bloody hands off you" he whispered in her ear and kissing her neck.

"Yeah, you would, you're a bloody horn dog" she replied giggling at the comment causing her to blush.

Simon laughed and rubbed her belly affectionately "Our little lad is growing in here and you're keeping him nice and safe. You already had amazing boobs love, but now there's more of them for me to enjoy" he chuckled.

Becca tried to playfully slap his face, but Simon expertly dodged the slap prompting Becca to huff in annoyance that she was never quick enough to catch him.

Simon kissed her neck "Sweetheart, I love you and I think you look bloody beautiful. Now stop fussing and bring that little hippo arse to bed"  he teased, slapping her ass and ducking away before she could try to slap him again.

In the last couple of weeks of the pregnancy, Becca and Simon were paying close attention to the big winter storm that was forecast to be coming into the area. Simon, as diligent as ever in his emergency preparation, had made sure everything around the property was safe and secured and that they had emergency power, extra food and water.

"I think we need to make a contingency plan so we're fully prepared in case you go into labour during the storm. Can't be driving you to the hospital in a snow storm. I won't risk either of you" Simon announced confidently.

With a lot of research and discussion with the natal nurses, Simon and Becca stocked up on any supplies they'd need for a home birth while Simon drank up any information he could get his hands on about delivering a baby safely at home. Despite her initial concern about them potentially being on their own for the birth, Simon's clarity and confidence soon put her mind at ease.  

For the next two weeks, Becca was struggling to sleep with baby Michael choosing to be more active at night, often shifting suddenly and putting pressure on her insides. The storm had come in as forecast, with heavy snow and strong winds making it even harder for her to settle. Simon tried deperately to ease her discomfort but there was little he could do except reassure her and make sure she was able to get comfortable again.

One stormy night, sitting up in bed with a huff, Becca was feeling discomfort with baby Michael kicking. Simon, ever alert, immediately sat up too "The little lad giving you trouble again, love?" he asked with concern.

"Simon, he's doing jiu jitsu again. Can you have a word with your son, please and tell him he can't be doing combat training at night?" Becca pleaded feeling frustrated.

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