Belgrade (Part 2)

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Bee was sat looking over her emails when she was startled by the hammering on the door to her rented apartment. Running to and opening the door, Ghost immediately pushed the door aside and stormed into the room. He was in a full rage.

Bee had barely got out a "What the hell, Ghost?", when he launched into a tirade.

"You fucking screwed up. Your intel was bullshit. What the fuck were you thinking sending me shit intel?" he yelled as he paced angrily around the apartment.

"What the fuck? I didn't send you shit intel" Bee started in her defence, but was cut off.

"You sent us into a ambush. All for a fucking empty warehouse. We lost six men thanks to your fuck up. What the hell is wrong with you?" Ghost continued in his rant as he loomed over her.

Bee, now scared at his ferocity, started to back up away from him "My intel was clean. This wasn't my fault. I gave you everything that I found" she pleaded, her voice starting to break in fear.

"They were fucking waiting for us, we lost six men Bee. Their blood is on your hands" Ghost spat out viciously as he moved towards her.

"Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare Ghost. I worked my ass off to get you intel" Bee cried out in frustration, waving her finger at him. Bee's self preservation instincts kicked in as she maneouvered slowly to position herself behind the table, so she had something between her and the pissed off Ghost

"Fucking hell, Bee, you've always been impulsive and reckless, but to fuck up this bad. I can't believe I ever listened to you" he yelled moving closer

"I didn't fuck up Ghost. I gave you everything I found. I don't fucking know why the intel changed and they were waiting for you. You're not blaming me for this Ghost" she yelled back, trying to fight back frightened tears.

Ghost let out a loud growl. "You're a fucking liability" Ghost shouted out as he angrily swiped a coffee cup off the table, launching it against the wall beside Bee's head.

Bee's whole body flinched in defence at the cup smashing into the wall beside her. In fear and in panic, she screamed at him "Get the fuck out now".

Ghost stepped back, snapped out of his anger by the force of his own violence, but also the ferocity in which Bee screamed at him. Trying to calm his own breathing, he barked out "Oh, I'm going. I have to clean up your fucking mess"

"Get the fuck away from me, Ghost. Just fuck off" she yelled at him, feeling tears streaming down her face.

Ghost stormed out of the apartment, jumped into his truck and drove back to the base, his mind a mess of anger, frustration and regret at his tirade at Bee. He was angry at her, angry at trusting her and angry that she could get the intel so wrong.

Pulling into a parking space, Ghost sat with his hands gripping the wheel. He needed to get his head together. "Fuck" He yelled out, trying to dispel his anger.

Ghost went straight to his quarters and had a cold shower, finally managing to calm his mind. He dressed and went straight to bed, exhausted. He couldn't sleep, his mind filled with the images of the failed raid, the dead team members and his anger at Bee. In the forefront of his mind was the image of the fear in Bee's eyes as he directed his anger at her.

The next morning, still groggy from his broken sleep, Ghost sat in his office going over the intel Bee had sent him about the warehouses. He read each of the messages and documents Bee had discovered and examined her reasoning for her summation of the information she'd found. Not finding any anomalies, he re-read them again before slamming the papers on the desk in frustration. 

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