Austria (Part 1)

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Two Months Later

Bee had travelled to Austria to assist in providing intel backup and surveillance cover for a special ops mission on a series of locations, involved in a multi million dollar counterfeit operation. The work was detailed and taxing, but Bee was enjoying the challenge.

After the first few raids, Bee was keeping very occupied with analysing and cataloguing the additional intel, the team had brought back. Realising she hadn't eaten since breakfast, Bee made her way to the mess hall to grab some food.

While eating, she was aware of a group of younger sergeants who'd just come in, who were chatting excitedly in German. Bee had seen them before on the base, a couple of them reminding her of the stereotypical jocks, she'd seen in college. Arrogant and self centred, always wanting to be the centre of attention.

Bee knew some German so was able to be nosy and eavesdrop on some of the conversation. They were talking about the upcoming special ops mission that Bee was aware of, so she tuned out. 

Her attention was peaked however when she heard them talking about Ghost. It sounded as though Ghost was expected to arrive to join the special ops team for their next mission. It had been two months since she'd seen Ghost, but he'd been in touch a couple of times for assistance on solo missions he was conducting. 

There was still some arguing and banter between them, but Ghost seemed to be a lot more accepting of her unusual methods. Bee, in turn had tried to tone it down a bit when Ghost was in razor focus mode.

Feeling brighter at the thought of seeing Ghost again, Bee finished her meal and went to head back to the office. Passing the group of young men, she heard a snippet of an insult one of them made about her to his friends. Bee didn't react, she was used to the odd comments while on military bases, so she found the less attention she gave them, the quicker they'd get bored and move on.

The next day, there was more of a buzz with the news of Ghost and a couple of other operatives coming to join the mission. Bee chuckled to herself as she listened to some of the comments and stories of the soldiers. Ghost had a bit of a fan club within the intel community and within the military ranks, since his reputation and mysterious persona made him ripe for legendary tales on the battlefield.

Sitting at lunch, Bee watched the people coming and going and listened to snippets of conversations, as she ate. She was used to spending a lot of time alone and didn't really mind not being involved in the chatter, but she still sometimes liked to observe and take in the atmosphere.

A few of the young soldiers from dinner yesterday, sat at the table across from her, were talking excitedly about trying to get involved in the upcoming mission or even to be able to join them in training. Bee found herself smiling at their enthusiasm, but was stopped short by a loud comment, clearly directed at her.

Bee listened inconspicuously to their conversation, head down, trying not to react when one of the men suggested that the only reason she was on the base was to 'service' the special ops team. 

Bee could feel her hair on the back of her arms stand on end as she felt her blood boil. There was no way she could give into their comments and give them the satisfaction of knowing they'd got to her. Finishing her food, she gathered her things and walked past the table not looking at them.

Bee clearly heard the word "Kasernenhase" (barracks bunny) from one of the soldiers, before they all laughed. Bee gritted her teeth as she stopped in her tracks. The little fuckers were going too far. 

Turning on her heel, she smiled at the men sweetly and responded in German "unoriginell, erwachsener Sergeant" (unoriginal, grow up sergeant). The sergeant's face dropped as he realised she'd understood his words. Bee turned and walked out of the mess hall, hearing his friends laugh.

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