New Life (Part 2)

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Two Months Later

Simon was diligently working on finishing a refurbishment project in the garage as Becca got ready to go for a supply run into town. Checking in with him before leaving, she stopped and observed him in his focussed concentration as he expertly worked on repairing the garden bench ready for repainting.

Despite her concern about how Simon was adapting to his new life and routine, it really warmed her heart to see how much enthusiasm he showed with even the most simple tasks. He never complained or fussed over any work that was needing done and she was reassured at how he obviously took pride in everything he did.

"You enjoying the view love?" he asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Always" she replied with a grin and blushing a little.

Simon cleaned off his hands and gave her a hug and kissed her gently on the mouth and nose. "You sure you don't want to come into town with me?" Becca asked, trying to hide her blush.

"No, you go on love. I'll get this last bit finished before dinner, then I'll be able to get the painting started tomorrow" he replied kissing her forehead lightly.

With a "Drive carefully" from Simon, Becca jumped into her truck and drove off into town.

Simon had finished up his work as planned and sat relaxing, having a cuppa on the porch, when his phone buzzed. "Got one more thing to do, so I'll be a bit longer. See you soon. Bxx"

Simon text back "No problem love, I'll start dinner. Sxx"

Sitting down to have dinner together, Simon noticed immediately that Becca appeared to be a little quieter than usual and seemed deep in thought. "What's going on in that pretty red head of yours, love?" he queried, tapping her head with his finger.

"They were doing free health checks in the store today. It's been a while since I've been to the doctor, so I had a check up" Becca explained.

"Something wrong sweetheart?" Simon asked immediately, concern etched on his face.

"Not exactly. After the check up they said to go to the local clinic to see the nurse" Bee started to explain as she pulled a paper from her pocket. 

"Turns out I'm pregnant" she said quietly, passing him the paper.

Simon looked at the paperwork and read it carefully, slowly letting the words wash over him. Not quite believing what he was reading, he re-read it before placing it on the table. "You're really pregnant?" he whispered, looking straight at her.

"Yes. I've never been very regular, so I didn't really notice I'd missed a period. They've asked me to go have a scan next week to confirm dates and everything"  Bee said quietly waiting for Simon to respond.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" Simon whispered.

"Yeah, is that okay?" Becca asked quietly.

"Okay? It's fucking amazing" Simon yelled out before grabbing Becca into a tight hug, causing her to yelp in surprize before bursting into giggles.

"We did agree we'd wouldn't used any birth control and just leave it up to nature. Well nature's kinda decided" Becca teased gently, with a smirk.

"Damn right she fucking did"  Simon said laughing out loud before smothering her face in kisses.

That night as they lay in bed, Becca fast asleep, curled up with her back against his chest, Simon couldn't help but gently rub her belly. His mind couldn't quite comprehend that, against all odds, he was finally going to be a father. 

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