Poland (Part 3)

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As they started walking again, Ghost felt a pang of discomfort in that he'd been so annoyed with the woman and so focussed on getting to shelter, he hadn't noticed Bee's clothing wasn't adequate for the weather. He needed to get her to a sheltered space as soon as possible and get her warm before the hypothermia worsened.

After walking for another 20 minutes, Ghost suddenly stopped and shone his flash light on the ground in front of and round him and up the embankment. "You found something Ghost" Bee mumbled, her arms tightly wrapped around her chest. Ghost noted that she was starting to slur her speech and looked unsteady on her feet.

"Yeah, boulders. They look like they've come from an outcrop further up the embankment. Good chance there's enough of a void we can shelter in. C'mon" he said gesturing her to follow.

Bee stumbled with each step and struggled to follow Ghost up the embankment, only the thought of rest and shelter was keeping her moving. Ghost was right, in the light of his torch, they could see that halfway up the embankment there was a rocky outcrop with a small cave like void.

Entering the space, Bee had to use the wall to steady her balance and keep herself upright. Ghost looked around using his flash light and made a huff, apparently satisfied with the shelter. "Give me your jacket" He ordered.

Bee, in her confused and tired state, complied, watching as he took off his utility belt and weapons, laying them on the floor. He then put the jacket back on and sat down on the floor, spreading his legs out. Completely baffled, Bee scoffed at him, prompting him to order "Sit on my lap".

"What the fuck's wrong with you? I'm not sitting on your lap you perv" Bee spat in frustration.

Ghost growled in frustration "We need to share body heat or you're not gonna make it. Sit the fuck down or freeze. Got it?" he barked at her.

Bee sighed in frustration, but even in her cold confused state, she knew he was right. If she didn't get herself warm soon, she was going to start losing consciousness and go into hypothermic shock. She'd be dead by morning. 

Slowly and shaking more violently, Bee lowered herself onto Ghost's lap with her back to his chest, feeling awkward and stupid, but noticing straight away how warm he was.

Ghost put his arm around her waist and pulled her tighter to his chest, causing her to yelp in surprise at being manhandled. Ghost immediately wrapped the jacket around her front and held it shut, encasing them both inside. Satisfied that she was covered, he hooked his chin over her shoulder, bringing his cloth covered cheek in contact with hers and pulling her to lean back fully.

"Just try and relax your breathing and don't worry about the shivering. It'll calm down as soon as you start to warm up" he said quietly in her ear.

Despite her discomfort at the intimate positioning, Bee focussed on the warmth radiating off Ghost, feeling it cocoon her as her shivering gradually started to reduce. Sleepily, Bee laid her head back on Ghost's shoulder and could feel herself starting to doze off.

"Why did you come looking for me? You didn't know if I was alive. You could have gone back with the others" Bee mumbled in her haze.

"Not when there was still a chance you were alive. Wasn't gonna leave you out here" Ghost whispered, his breath warming the side of her face.

"Thought I irritated you" she mumbled.

"You're a royal pain in my arse. You irritate the hell outta me, but.....not enough to wanna see you hurt or dead" Ghost said quietly, feeling his own tiredness start to envelope him.

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