Kentucky (Part 4)

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Becca couldn't help but smile as she drove down the driveway towards her little cottage, so glad to be home again. There at the end of the driveway, was Ghost's truck. "Dammit Ghost" Becca complained out loud, seeing that he'd beaten her to the cottage. 

As she parked her truck, Ghost walked out of the cottage folding his arms as he watched her approach the house.

"What took you so long?" he teased

"Smug bastard" Becca scoffed loudly as she walked past him and into the house, prompting him to chuckle at her sulking. She dumped a large paper bag on the counter before heading to her room.

Ghost took off his balaclava and put the kettle in for a cuppa, looking forward to relaxing after their long flight and drive. Nosing into the bag, his stomach rumbled as he smelled take away food. Becca soon emerged from her bedroom and smiled when she saw Simon sat at the dining table with a cuppa for her and plates set out for their food.

"Thanks for getting food love, I'm starving" Simon said, eagerly looking through the tubs of food on offer.

"That's the only reason you got here before me" Becca scoffed before laughing and tucking into some food.

For the next week, Becca got stuck into her chores as well as regularly checking up on intel updates. Simon continued with his training schedule and assisted Becca in a lot of her chores. He found that not only was he enjoying spending time with the young woman, he was feeling a strong sense of satisfaction at doing some of the most menial of tasks.

Simon was surprised at how comfortable he was in this domestic environment. Aside from his training, nothing else about his day, reflected the intensity and brutality of his job as a soldier and member of the taskforce. It had been the only life he had known, so he was perplexed at how easily he relaxed into his routine. For the first time in years, Simon felt like he was home.

With no new contracts coming and and no new intel to follow up, Becca relaxed into her gardening and started planning the next round of refurbishment work on the cottage. She was pleased that Simon's military training and experience made him a great ally in planning and working on DIY tasks. 

Becca felt a little guilty at asking him to help do some more work with her when he was on leave, but he would just scoff "Stop fussing woman and tell me what you want done".

At the end of the second week, Becca was relaxing looking through intel boards on her laptop, while Simon was completing some repairs in her pantry, when a notification popped up from her contact on South America. Ricardo was back on the radar.

Calling Simon to come through, they went over the information carefully. Simon sat back in his chair with a sigh. "SoAhzari and Poztchok are out of the picture and there was nothing in the intel Laswell was given about Foster's involvement or evidence of new shipments. So is Ricardo looking for some old contacts to make his deals? I'll pull up all the intel I had on Ricardo, can you do the same?" Simon suggested.

After a couple of hours, the two of them had collated all their info on Ricardo in the hope of finding some useful information to help them move forward. They poured over the information again and again, but finding that nothing of any real use was coming up.

Becca paused for a moment "I still have access to Foster's mission files. I can have a look in there and see if anything stands out. I haven't cross referenced it with any of the new intel" she suggested.

"Great idea love. I'm gonna give Price a quick update" Simon replied heading to the office.

Becca accessed the relevant files she had secured on her cloud server and started running searches on Ricardo's contacts and locations. Simon returned to the room and made them a drink before joining her at the table again.

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