Kentucky (Part 2)

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Ghost sat on the bed with a huff "You're a pain in the bloody arse Bee"

Bee smiled at him sweetly "I know that. You're a stubborn bastard. So what?" she teased as he started to take off his jacket and compression shirt.

Bee examined his torso, noting some angry looking bruises and a long gash down his arm. Ghost observed the young woman and she cleaned and irrigated the cut before putting some sutures on the deeper areas. Bee carefully wiped down the area before drying it and covering it with a clean dressing.

Looking over his torso, she gently applied analgesic cream to the darkening areas of skin, careful of not putting pressure on the bruising. Ghost's eyes closed as he relaxed into the gentle care, feeling the tension fade away as she worked.

Tapping his arm, he opened his eyes to see Bee looking up at his face. Bee smiled "That should help for now. Can I check your head and face?" she asked softly.

Ghost nodded and removed his face plate and balaclava, without protest. Bee started to clean and tend to a cut on his hairline before carefully checking for any cuts on his scalp while Ghost relaxed into the soft tingling sensation.

"Thanks for helping us out Bee. Appreciate it" Ghost said in a soft low voice.

"Thanks for calling me. I'm glad I wasn't too far from you. The nearest safehouse is over two hours away. God knows how you would have got there with Price injured. I wouldn't have left you stuck out there when you needed help" she said quietly as finished her check up.

Satisfied that Ghost had no more injuries, she left him to get dressed and headed back to the sitting area to check on Price and to drink her coffee.

"How's he doing doc? He doesn't like anyone checking on him. Always preferred to do it himself " Price asked with a grin.

"Yeah, don't I know it. He's fine. Has a gash on his arm that needed stitching, other than that, some nasty bruising". She replied relaxing back in the armchair.

"Ghost said you saved his arse in Zurich. That takes some doing Bee" Price stated tilting his head.

"Yeah, well he saved my ass in Poland, so we're even. Did he tell you he got pissed at me for not following orders?" Bee asked chuckling as Ghost came out of the room.

"Yeah, refused a direct order to get out. Came back to get my injured arse out. Bloody reckless" Ghost growled.

Bee laughed and got up "You guys must be hungry. I'll heat up some leftovers" she said going to the fridge and removing a couple of tupperware tubs.

Gratefully tucking into some good food, the men discussed what their next move should be. After being set up by their command on this mission, there weren't sure how high up the betrayal had gone.

"I can do some digging, see what I can come up with. I can also get a message to Laswell, see if I can find out anything" Bee suggested.

"Does she know your location?" Ghost asked concerned about Bee's security.

"Nope, I made sure of it. I have a good security grid set up here anyway" she clarified, bringing some relief to her guests.

"Ok, Bee, get a message out and we can see where we go from there" Price suggested.

Bee set up her laptop and sent her secure message to Laswell as Ghost watched with interest. "Birdwatcher advice required. Got word on two British birds migrating from North Carolina, fell out of the sky, injured but non-lethal"

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