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Two Months later

Bee was working remotely from her home office on an intel and security contract. It was pretty time consuming and arduous work, analysing file upon file of audio and video surveillance. Her main task to correlate information on a drug running operation in the small port of Belem in Brazil.

Bee had already spent hours running and re-running audio and video files, matching up dates and times as well as isolating targets' conversations and their corresponding video footage. The only saving grace of the mountain of files was that the Brazilian Task Force charged with monitoring the activities of Cartels, used high tech equipment. The high quality of the files saved Bee hours of work for not having to render files to improve the awfully grainy footage she was used to working on.

With another file complete, Bee took a break to stretch her legs, walking round her property, looking at her garden and admiring the crisp Winter day. Bee loved the tranquillity and peace of the countryside around her secluded little cottage, enjoying being able to listen to the birds chirping away in her trees.

Feeling more refreshed, Bee went back into the house, made some coffee and grabbed some snacks, ready to get back to work. "Okay, up next we have contestant number 5, Mr Greasy Haired Lothario in the terrible fitting suit. Lets see what you've been up to sir" Bee announced to no-one, opening the video file and associated audio file.

An hour into the footage, Bee's focus was broken by her phone ringing. Glancing down she saw the words 'Grumpy Bastard' on the display. Smirking, she picked up the phone and pressed answer.

"What do you want, Ghost?" Bee said immediately.

"Charming. Haven't heard from you in a while. I was gonna ask how you were, Bee?" the low voice rumbled.

"Like you care" she snorted. Hearing a growled "Fucks sake" from the phone, she took a deep breath.

"I'm good, working from home. In the middle of a surveillance contract" she replied feeling suspicious of his motives for contacting her.

"So where's home then?" Ghost asked, knowing she wouldn't tell him.

"That's classified" Bee responded bluntly.

"Elusive as ever Bee" he replied chuckling

"You're one to talk Ghost. Covered head to toe in your tactical burkha, no name, redacted file, no history. Hypocrite much?" Bee teased.

"I like my privacy" he responded nonchalantly.

"Whatever. So what do you want Ghost?" Bee queried impatiently.

"And there was me thinking you'd be happy to hear from me. I'm hurt, Bee" Ghost teased.

"Piss off Ghost. You were rude and ungrateful after all the work I did for you" Bee protested.

"Yeah, well the mission was turning to shit and I thought you were having me run around on a whim" Ghost admitted.

"A whim? I confirm my intel before I share it, it's up to you whether or not you follow it. You got your man though, didn't you?" Bee replied

"Yeah I did. Your intel was on the money" Ghost said quietly.

"You're welcome, you sceptical grumpy bastard" Bee said scolding.

"Fuck off" Ghost spat back. "You're a loose cannon Bee and I can't have that on a mission. I need intel to be clear and precise with no pissing about, yeah?"

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