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Two Months Later

Location Cochise County Arizona, a hot spot for Cartel drug smuggling over the Mexican border. Ghost wasn't here for the cartel or the drug smugglers. He was after one man, Andrius Baltakis, a Lithuanian national, involved in smuggling military grade weapons throughout Europe.

A European Task Force, sent to infiltrate and eliminate his operation base, had been ambushed and slaughtered. The coward he was, Baltakis had fled, leaving his men to be rounded up and his operation decimated. Intel agencies had managed to track him through a known associate, leading them to a one way ticket to Mexico.

Surveillance in Mexico had tracked him on his journey to a small border town, where a well know Cartel group operated. Thus leading them to the conclusion he was fleeing to the US, where he would probably disappear.

Sitting at a rickety old dining table in a safe house, just outside of Sierra Vista, Ghost was looking over intel on his tablet, awaiting further orders. Ghost wondered if Bee was involved in the intel trail, buzzing away in the background. He hadn't heard much from her since Georgia, bar a couple of emailed intel reports with her usual cheerful irreverence.

Ghost completed his review of intel and moved onto checking his weapons and knives in preparation for any go for action. Ghost's radio crackled with an incoming transmission.

"Bravo 07, this is your friendly buzzy Bee checking in with the latest news report" came the familiar voice.

Ghost rolled his eyes and spoke into his mic "Wondered if you were gonna show up" he said bluntly.

"Awe you miss me Ghost man? I'm all warm and fuzzy" Bee chuckled.

"Like a bloody headache. What you got for me Bee?" he responded in his deadpan manner.

"So charming, Ghost. Got word from Cartel that they're moving Baltakis tonight, to a safehouse in Huachuca City. I'll message you the address. A wire transfer from his off shore account to a known Cartel money man, has him paying them a shit load of money, so I'd assume he's gonna have security" Bee explained sounding more professional than Ghost was used to.

"Appreciate the intel Bee. You doing okay?" Ghost enquired.

"Aw you do care" Bee teased in a sickly sweet voice.

"Piss off. Just wanna check how much you're gonna wind me up this time" Ghost retorted with a chuckle.

"Shit head" Bee replied sharply.

"That's a new one. You expanding your vocabulary, Bee?" Ghost teased chuckling.

"Okay, go be as asshole Ghost. I'll be in touch" Bee replied signing off.

Ghost packed his gear and jumped in his truck to head off to the address Bee had messaged. He slowly drove into the town, surveying the buildings and people milling around. It was obvious to Ghost that this town was crawling with Cartel.

Not wanting to bring attention to himself, he took a side road and drove to the address, parking a street away. It was far easier for him to remain inconspicuous on foot, using garden fences and parked cars to work his way closer. Crouching out of sight by a neighbouring out building, Ghost radioed his location "Bravo 07, at target location, awaiting target, out" he said quietly.

Ghost observed the safehouse, with a couple of men chatting outside and the shadows of several men inside. He assessed his options. Entering the house would end in a firefight and bring too much attention from the locals. He could take Baltakis out as soon as he arrived, but again, too conspicuous.

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